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hpr1994 :: Truck Repair: Serpentine Belt Replacement

Listen as I replace the serpentine belt, idler pulley, and belt tensioner in my truck.

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Thumbnail of Jon Kulp
Hosted by Jon Kulp on Thursday, 2016-03-24 is flagged as Explicit and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
DIY, Auto repair, auto maintenance, cars, trucks. 2.

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Duration: 01:01:28
Download the transcription and subtitles.


Come along for the ride as I repair my pickup truck. The job is to replace the serpentine belt, idler pulley, and belt tensioner in the hope of getting rid of a very annoying loud chirping sound that was coming from my engine. Even after cutting out the long pauses where I was staring at my engine trying to imagine how I was going to get the belt to go in the indicated pattern, this episode still tops out at about one hour. Be warned. There are several sections where you're just kind of listening along to sounds of nature as I work.

Here's the instructional video I watched to learn how to do it:



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Comment #1 posted on 2016-03-25 17:09:50 by brian

two thoughts while still listening

first thought... the "star drive" is called a torx, and is press fitted into the 3/8 drive socket. second, and most important, is for the extraction of the plastic plug... when you get to the point of inserting the screw into the pilot hole, just keep going with the screw... it will bottom out and extract the plug on its own.

Comment #2 posted on 2016-03-25 18:22:48 by Jonathan Kulp


Whoa genius suggestion! Didn't occur to me to keep drilling the screw. That would work the same way a crankarm extraction tool works on a bike. Will definitely do that next time I'm in that predicament. And thanks for correcting me on the Torx head. Can never remember that and it's not like I've never used em before haha!

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