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hpr1966 :: Whats in my bag

I talk about what I have in my bag today

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Thumbnail of Swift110
Hosted by Swift110 on Monday, 2016-02-15 is flagged as Explicit and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
timbuk2 bag, x201, sony vaio, laptops. (Be the first).

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Duration: 00:07:00
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What's in My Toolkit.

This is an open series where Hacker Public Radio Listeners can share with the community the items that they can't live without, what they find useful in day to day life.

I describe the contents of my timbuk2 messenger bag today

  1. Sony Vaio VPCEB42FM 6 pounds weight
  2. Lenovo x201 3 lbs
  3. iPad 3
  4. Galaxy Tab 3 lite
  5. charging cable for android phone
  6. charging cable for iPad 3
  7. Usb wall adapter to use with either iPad 3 or phone
  8. Ipod classic 6
  9. 6 usb drives ranging in size from 4 gb to 26 gb but mostly 8 or 16's
  10. screen cleaning cloth
  11. mini phillips head screwdriver
  12. Charging cable for laptop (has multiple heads that can be switched around to use for a variety of laptops)
  13. One thing that I forgot is to mention is a usb mouse.

Also I got the bag in January 2014


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