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hpr1930 :: A systemd primer

An introduction to the modern linux init system

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Thumbnail of Clinton Roy
Hosted by Clinton Roy on 2015-12-25 is flagged as Clean and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
systemd, linux. 1.
The show is available on the Internet Archive at:

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Duration: 00:08:31


1 What is systemd?

A dependency system for unix services.
And, a set of basic unix services to make a unix system usable.
And, a growing list of not quite so basic services

  • NTP, networkd, timers (crond/atd)

From a programmers perspective, it's the mainloop phenomenon.

2 Alternatives

Solaris: Service Management Facility
Mac OSX: launchd
Ubuntu: upstart (until recently)

3 Replaces

LSB (actually implements LSB deps)

4 Terminology


  • [auto]mount
  • swap
  • path (inotify triggers)
  • socket
  • timer (crond/atd)
  • service
  • slice (cgroup)
  • pseudo
    • device
    • snapshot
    • scope


  • replace run levels
  • default target at boot
  • can isolate to just one target

5 Advantages - Design

Proper, explicit dependencies between system compontents
Starts components in parallel
A proper separation of concerns, lots of situations covered.

  • configuration files are regular, simple to understand generally small
  • OTOH, there are LOTS of options

Configuration is not runnable shell.

Description=CUPS Scheduler

ExecStart=/usr/sbin/cupsd -l

Also=cups.socket cups.path

Separate system and user daemons.

6 Advantages - Sysadmins

Modify configuration without modifying upstream configuration
Service watching (startup, watchdog, failure modes)

[EXTENDED]   /lib/systemd/system/rc-local.service → /lib/systemd/system/rc-local.service.d/debian.conf
[EXTENDED]   /lib/systemd/system/systemd-timesyncd.service → /lib/systemd/system/systemd-timesyncd.service.d/disable-with-time-daemon.conf
[EQUIVALENT] /etc/systemd/system/ → /lib/systemd/system/

3 overridden configuration files found.

7 Advantages - Programming

Removal of some error and security prone code

  • socket activation (e.g. privileged ports)
  • user/group changing

8 Advantages - Provisioning

standardized cgroup controls
debootstrap ; systemd-spawn-boot * systemd takes care of all pseudo file systems for you

9 Advantages - Users

quick to boot
can reduce load later on (services start & stop as required)

10 Examples

Color legend:

  • black = Requires
  • dark blue = Requisite
  • dark grey = Wants
  • red = Conflicts
  • green = After

systemd-analyze blame

systemd-analyze plot

systemd-analyze plot gdm.service

11 Disadvantages


  • It’s really nice in theory, but in practice I’ve found it to be slow and buggy

It’s a little new, so LTS distros necessarily have older versions

  • el7 has something like 200 patches is a bit flakey

  • Unix is a graveyard of IPC, I don't feel DBUS is much better
  • KDBUS means it will probably be around for ever.

12 Quandries

Deeply hooked into linux specific details, not portable

  • kernel api, cgroups, udev etc.

Some cool features relient on file system e.g. btrfs for snapshot

13 Future

I haven’t had a chance to play with networkd yet, but it sounds like it’s going to be very good.

14 Questions


  • It depends…
  • systemd only supports start/stop/reload
  • work with the daemon: oneshot/simple/forking/inetd
  • integrate with systemd: notify, watchdog


  • Every login, a separate systemd -> user is spawned
  • Can override with .config/systemd files


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Comment #1 posted on 2015-12-29 23:01:07 by Frank

Nicely done. I do appreciate the big picture overview; it provides a context and frame of reference that many stories I've read about SystemD do not.

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