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hpr1910 :: QMMP--The Qt-based MultiMedia Player

QMMP is a simple media player inspired by Winamp and XMMS.

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Thumbnail of Frank Bell
Hosted by Frank Bell on Friday, 2015-11-27 is flagged as Clean and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
Audio, Video, Player, Playlist. 5.

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format. Play now:

Duration: 00:11:31
Download the transcription and subtitles.


Qmmp is an audio and video player for Linux, BSD, and Windows that's similar in appearance and functionality to Wimamp and XMMS. The Linux and BSD version are capable of playing video as well, through an mplayer plugin.

If you like eye candy, it's skinnable; a library of skins is available from the maintainer. In addition, it works nicely with legacy XMMS and Winamp skins.


Qmmp interface.

Qmmp video play:

Qmmp settings dialog:



Slackbuilds links: Qmmp: Qmmp Plugins:

Wikipedia article:

Playlist (*.m3u) specification:




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Comment #1 posted on 2015-11-28 04:24:34 by Matt

I didn't know this project existed.

Great episode! I'm a long time Winamp fan too. I also like Qt based applications that are cross-platform. Thanks!

Comment #2 posted on 2015-11-28 17:54:36 by Frank


Glad you enjoyed it.

There's one thing I forgot, even though it was in my notes. Qmmp can be a little strange about playing URLs that have funky characters, such as parentheses, in them. Some of the old-time radio sites, most of which are hobbyist sites, have some very unusual URLs for the individual OTR episodes, mostly because the maintainers try to squeeze too much information into them.

I sometimes end up falling back to XMMS, which still comes bundled in Slackware, praise Bob! for those.

Comment #3 posted on 2015-11-29 19:28:53 by Audiobooks lover

I discovered this site randomly.. dont know where I can clicking and kept clicking... lols, but I am glad I did

Thank you for the great review. Obviously had heard of Winamp, but never Qmmp!! Trying it out right now

Comment #4 posted on 2015-12-02 12:49:43 by Dave Morriss


I used Winamp back when I couldn't avoid using Windows at work, and XMMP was my player of choice on Linux for a number of years. I tried Qmmp and it reminded me very much of those days. I'm not sure I'm going to use it, given that I'm quite happy wtih Clementine, but it was nice to feel a bit of nostalgia. Thanks

Comment #5 posted on 2015-12-03 05:04:48 by Frank

"it was nice to feel a bit of nostalgia"

Make me feel old, will you?:)

Well, I am old, but I will never be a "senior." I will be a cranky old man. You young whippersnappers and your new-fangled media players . . . .

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