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hpr1902 :: My Linux Tool Box

Fin talks about his digital box of Linux tools.

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Hosted by Fin on Tuesday, 2015-11-17 is flagged as Explicit and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
Linux, GNU, Operating System, Tools, Utilities, Software. 2.

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Duration: 00:23:31
Download the transcription and subtitles.

What's in My Toolkit.

This is an open series where Hacker Public Radio Listeners can share with the community the items that they can't live without, what they find useful in day to day life.

Tools I use:

  1. Htop - Command line system monitor
  2. Firefox - The best web browser
  3. Pluma or Gedit - Great gui text editors
  4. Yaourt or Synaptic - Simple yet powerful package managers
  5. Gucharmap - Character map for all your unicode needs
  6. Markdown - Distraction free, simple document writing.
  7. VLC - The one true media player.
  8. Cinnamon Desktop Environment - My favorite desktop environment.
  9. LibreOffice - For my limited office application needs.
  10. Evince or Atril - Simple, effective, reliable PDF readers.
  11. mtPaint - Pixel art programme.
  12. Inkscape - Vector graphics tool. Great for drawing.
  13. GIMP - The Gnu Image Manipulation Programme.
  14. Gnome Terminal or Mate Terminal - My preferred GUI terminals.
  15. Redshift - Ease your screen viewing when the sun goes down.
  16. Alarm Clock Applet - Used for the Pomodoro time management technique.
  17. Gparted - My preferred partition management tool.
  18. Steam - Lots of freedom hating games.
  19. Play on Linux - Tool to play other freedom hating games.
  20. Gpick - Simple colour picker and colour scheme generator.
  21. Thunderbird - My preferred email client. The best of a boring bunch.
  22. Skype - My nessecessity for human contact.
  23. Transmission - Torrent client. Great for downloading lots of Linux Distros!
  24. Uget - For when I need a large file that doesn't have a torrent.
  25. Java - I use OpenJDK and OpenJRE as java is my first language.
  26. Asunder CD Ripper - For ripping audio CD collections.
  27. Audacity - For recording this podcast!
  28. Music Brainz Picard - Tag, accurately, all those freshly ripped CDs.
  29. Virtualbox - Try all those .iso Linux distributions you just downloaded!
  30. GUFW - GUI Uncomplicated Fire Wall. Does exactly what it says on the tin.
  31. Numix Theme - A very complete theme with a lovely icon set. Flat style, very modern.


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Comment #1 posted on 2015-11-23 12:12:09 by Dave Morriss

Nice list

Hi Fin,

Thanks for this list. There were some good items in there that I'd never come across before.

Having been wrangling Unicode recently I like what gucharmap offers.

I use Okular for PDF viewing, but evince's annotation features are interesting. It's apparently available as "Document Viewer" under Xfce (which I currently use).

Plenty of things to explore!

Comment #2 posted on 2015-11-28 12:13:00 by zloster

Nice list

I also would like to thanks for this list. I also use a lot of these programs.
Some addition to the list could be: transmission-remote-gtk ( - if you want to manage the transmission-daemon running on remote machine and you don't like the build-in web-interface.

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