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hpr1892 :: my chicken coop

jezra blabs about the brok brok brok house

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Hosted by Jezra on Tuesday, 2015-11-03 is flagged as Explicit and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
chicken. 3.

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Duration: 00:10:10
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Comment #1 posted on 2015-11-03 12:11:24 by Jon Kulp

Some Fowl Commentary

Genius as always! Loved the comments from your fowl wards...

Comment #2 posted on 2015-11-03 15:47:15 by Mike Ray

Kernel Sanders

Great episode.

But what happens if not all chickens are inside when the door shuts? Or, worse, the door shuts while a chook is standing on the threshold?

Maybe a keypad on the outside of the door which they could peck for entry?

Comment #3 posted on 2015-11-05 18:15:34 by jezra

If it is dark outside, yet light inside of the coop, all of the birdies will be in the coop.

Any bird that isn't in the coop when the door closes will be outside for the night and may end up being a meal for a raccoon, skunk, fox, coyote, or other predator.

If a bird is standing in the doorway when the door slides closed, there will be a "door close error" and I will receive a text message as well as an email. The 12V car antenna isn't powerful enough to crush whatever is in the doorway.

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