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hpr1886 :: Moral Volcano's Linux Tips & Tricks podcast for Hacker Public Radio

A collection of Linux tips and tricks that may be useful new users.

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Hosted by Moral Volcano on Monday, 2015-10-26 is flagged as Clean and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
desktop, Mate, wvdial, gnome-ppp, fonts, Firestarter firewall. (Be the first).

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format. Play now:

Duration: 01:04:44
Download the transcription and subtitles.


Welcome to my first podcast for Hacker Public Radio.

  1. Like Gnome 3? Good for you.
  2. Don't like Gnome 3 or like Gnome 2 more? Then, get a Linux distro with the Mate desktop. Mate desktop was forked from Gnome 2. Gnome 2 development was stopped by the Gnome 3 team.
  3. After installing the Mate desktop, install the Nimbus theme and Compiz desktop effects.
    I don't have the 32-bit edition.
  4. Have a USB wireless modem? Use wvdial or gnome-ppp with "stupid mode" enabled.
  5. Change gnome-terminal color scheme to Green-On-Black and the the following line to your .bashrc for a colorful and usable terminal window.
    PS1="\a\n\n\e[31;1m\u@\h on \d at \@\n\e[33;1m\w\e[0m\n$ "
  6. Install CMU fonts from
  7. Download Google fonts using this bash script
    wget -r -nc -nd -np -A.ttf
    This command takes a while to parse all the pages and find the fonts that need to be downloaded.
  8. Good Artists Copy, Great Artists Steal; Jonathan Schwartz; March 2010
  9. Undead Myths In The Wake Of iDead Steve Jobs; V. Subhash; November 2011
  10. Support free software
  11. Firestarter firewall - I think it needs only a little attention from Linux developers before it can be extremely useful again. Most of it still works.


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