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hpr1867 :: The Lafayette Public Library Maker Space

My son and I visit the Lafayette Public Library to try out the 3d printer in the maker space.

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Thumbnail of Jon Kulp
Hosted by Jon Kulp on Tuesday, 2015-09-29 is flagged as Clean and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
3d printing, DIY, makers, libraries. 1.

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format. Play now:

Duration: 00:45:33
Download the transcription and subtitles.


The Lafayette Public Library Maker Space

Exterior photograph of the downtown Lafayette Public Library

The Renovated Main Library

Large table with sewing machine

Sewing Area

Display case in maker area with laser etched rolling pin

Rolling pin with laser-etched π symbols

Array of comfy chairs in a circle with a basket of knitting materials nearby

Knitting Area

Triangular table with laptops and tubs of Lego robotics parts

Lego Robotics Space

One of the 3d printers in the maker space

The Ultimaker2

Close up image of the display panel on 3d printer

Trying to print my Kindle paperwhite stand.

The other 3d printer in the maker space

The Taz 3D printer by Lulzbot

The finished Kindle stand:

My new Kindle stand printed using blue filament

It worked! Bad part of this design is that it does not accommodate the case that I have on my Kindle, so to use the stand with the Kindle I'll have to remove the case. The next photo shows my son's nook color sitting sideways on it. I might try to modify the design so that it will accommodate the Kindle with its case and also prop it up a bit more vertically. Still, this was a really fun experiment with my first 3d printout.

Kindle stand holding a Nook Color in landscape position




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Comment #1 posted on 2015-10-07 08:21:48 by amunizp

3D print

Great program thanks.
Lutzbot is open hardware the otherone I think not.
Stl files as far as I know are not editable (binaries) problem of open washing in websites. Original CAD not available. Use freeCAD to do more.
Magnet: use a tight tolerance to go in but use a larger chamber inside.

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