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hpr1837 :: Put an SSD in your Linux Box

What to check, read, and update if you want to upgrade your Linux PC with an Solid State Disk.

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Hosted by 2BFrank on Tuesday, 2015-08-18 is flagged as Clean and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
SSD, Linux, BIOS, Update. 3.

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Duration: 00:18:22
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Hardware upgrades.

Hosts share their experiences when upgrading their equipment.

Some commands I mentioned that you should check out:

Check SSD disk specs:

sudo hdparm -I /dev/sdb

Check for TRIM support:

sudo fstrim -v /

Perform TRIM support

sudo hdparm -I /dev/sdb | grep -i TRIM

Detailed SSD Info


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Comment #1 posted on 2015-08-18 08:30:46 by 0xf10e

correction on TRIM

Hey there, little correction on ATA TRIM: Fragmentation of files isn't the problem on SSDs but the SSD's controller needs to know which blocks it can reuse for leveling out the wear on the flash cells. As the SSD knows nothing about the FS it's storing data for it only can swap out blocks when they're overwritten at once.
UNLESS of course when the OS tells the SSD "I just freed those (logical) blocks, do whatever you want to them". This why the SSDs controller can add those blocks to its free-list and reallocate the underlying flash-cell as soon as all logical blocks are freed - or remap the leftover logical blocks to free the rest of the flash-cell.

Oops, got a little long, didn't IR? ^^"

Comment #2 posted on 2015-08-21 16:44:46 by noah

minimizing writes

I just want to take a quick moment to disagree with your recommendation to put swap and/or /var on a traditional spinning disk in order to limit writes to your SSD. Yes, doing so may ultimately increase the expected lifetime of the drive, but you're missing out on the greatest benefits of the SSD by doing so. SSDs are extremely fast for random access patterns, but for sequential operations (such as reading or writing large files) they aren't significantly faster than spinning disks. The parts of your system that perform the most random access operations are likely to be swap and /var. Speeding up swap is quite possibly the single best application for an SSD in a linux system.

Comment #3 posted on 2015-09-15 13:47:10 by 2BFrank

Good points


thanks for the clarifications. @noah: I've found different opinions on this, you make a good point. On the other hand, I have the impression that my system (6GB Ram) is swapping very little...

@0xf10e: Right, it's wear levelling not fragmentation. Thx for clearing that up!

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