hpr1829 :: My "New" Used Kindle DX
I talk about my latest gadget, a used Kindle DX
Hosted by Jon Kulp on Thursday, 2015-08-06 is flagged as Clean and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
ebooks, ereaders, kindle, gadgets, reviews.
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Duration: 00:13:56
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I talk about my latest gadget, a used Kindle DX, which is a discontinued model with a 9.7 inch epaper screen. I talk about its features, limitations, how to navigate it, and I demonstrate its text-to-speech capabilities. Incidentally I really low-balled the original price of the Kindle DX. Looking around a little bit, I find that the original retail price was $479, which was then reduced to just under $400. Mine now seems like a bargain at $128 used.