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hpr1820 :: Kansas Linux Fest 2015, March 21-22, Lawrence KS, Interview 1 of 2

Interview Alex Juarez Rackspace Principal Engineer

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Hosted by FiftyOneFifty (R.I.P.) on Friday, 2015-07-24 is flagged as Clean and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
interview, Kansas Linux Fest, Rackspace. (Be the first).

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Duration: 00:20:48
Download the transcription and subtitles.


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From the LAMP Stack break-fix competition, to the breakfast buffet they funded on Sunday, the Rackspace crew presented their organization as the managed hosting company that puts the customer first, by making sure no customer has to wait in a long queue before taking to a human, and to staying on the line as long as it takes to make sure all problems are solved and all questions are answered. This kind of commitment to service naturally requires are larger number of people working tech support, and by the end of the weekend I think it was clear to everyone Rackspace was in Kansas to recruit. I was impressed when one of the Rackspace representatives told me, "We can teach people tech. We can't teach people to want to help other people". Rackspace dedicates a significant part of employee time to training and improving the skills of their help desk staff. If there is a drawback it's that when one shift is training, the other two are expected to pull extra hours to cover the third shift.


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