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hpr1817 :: Gathering Parts

NYbill talks about the process he goes through while starting an electronics project.

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Hosted by NYbill on Tuesday, 2015-07-21 is flagged as Clean and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
electronics, guitar pedal, fuzzbox, resistor colours. 3.

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format. Play now:

Duration: 00:23:15
Download the transcription and subtitles.

Hobby Electronics.

Building electronic devices and kits, repairing electronics and learning about components and their uses.

The web site that started this all:

Big Muff Pi:

Parts Distributors:

Hammond Box:

Joe Knows:

Picture of the gathered parts:

When I made the reference to "two red lips" regarding resistor colors I didn't quite explain what that meant. It was a way I learned, way back when, to remember which color was which number on a resistor. I hadn't thought about it in years. It used rhyming and references scheme to line the colors up with values.

0- Black - It's a "no" color, a zero
1- Brown - 'brow-one'
2- Red - Two red lips
3- Orange - Orange tree
4- Yellow - Yell for help
5- Green - a five dollar bill is green
6- Blue - Blue and sick
7- Violet - Violet heaven
8- Gray - Great
9- White - White wine


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Comment #1 posted on 2015-07-24 19:54:36 by CPrompt^

Great show!

Loved the show NYBill! Definitely do an update so we (I) can here the result. Let us know what version of the pedal you went with too.

You might be interested in these guys too :

I used to work for them a few years ago and they have some quality stuff. Nice kits that you can build on your own and such. Nice vintage style apps.

Thanks for the show!

Comment #2 posted on 2015-07-25 13:50:40 by Ken Fallon

A series on Electronic Components

Hi NYBill,

While you might think this is obvious, this episode is a great practical tip for starting electronic projects.

Can I suggest that HPR listeners contribute a list of sites they use to get components and we can put that up on the gitlab repo and then sync it to the main HPR Website. eg

Location,Site, URI, Description
Worldwide, Deal Extreme,, Electronics & Cheap Gadgets shipped slowly but for free.
NL,Conrad,, Good quality but expensive Electronic components

Also I would love you or someone else to do a series on Electronics Components. This is a Resistor, they look like ..., they are used for ..., they cost about ...., there are the following types ...., etc etc.


Comment #3 posted on 2015-07-27 21:53:09 by NYbill

Thanks guys

Thanks CPrompt^. That must have been an interesting place to work. And there will be a follow up. I told you how I found the board layout online. So, there will be some etching too.

Good fun.

Yea, that idea did cross my mind, Ken. Do, an episode each for different components. We'll see if I get off my butt and do that.

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