hpr1817 :: Gathering Parts
NYbill talks about the process he goes through while starting an electronics project.
Hosted by NYbill on Tuesday, 2015-07-21 is flagged as Clean and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
electronics, guitar pedal, fuzzbox, resistor colours.
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Duration: 00:23:15
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Hobby Electronics.
Building electronic devices and kits, repairing electronics and learning about components and their uses.
The web site that started this all:
Big Muff Pi:
Parts Distributors:
Hammond Box:
Joe Knows:
Picture of the gathered parts:
When I made the reference to "two red lips" regarding resistor colors I didn't quite explain what that meant. It was a way I learned, way back when, to remember which color was which number on a resistor. I hadn't thought about it in years. It used rhyming and references scheme to line the colors up with values.
0- Black - It's a "no" color, a zero 1- Brown - 'brow-one' 2- Red - Two red lips 3- Orange - Orange tree 4- Yellow - Yell for help 5- Green - a five dollar bill is green 6- Blue - Blue and sick 7- Violet - Violet heaven 8- Gray - Great 9- White - White wine