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hpr1797 :: An Interview with Aaron Wolf of the Snowdrift Co-op Project

Aaron Wolf of the Snowdrift Co-op project is interviewed by David Whitman

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Hosted by David Whitman on Tuesday, 2015-06-23 is flagged as Explicit and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
Free Software Support. (Be the first).

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Duration: 00:14:35
Download the transcription and subtitles.


HPR Correspondents bring you Interviews from interesting people and projects

An Interview with Aaron Wolf of the Snowdrift Co-op project by David Whitman during LinuxFest Northwest 2015

Aaron Wolf

Snowdrift: About: We're building a sustainable funding platform for freely-licensed works. Our innovative matching pledge creates a network effect where we all work together to support these public goods.


Our matching patronage system allows everyone to support FLO projects with minimal risk and maximum impact.

Unlike the one-to-one matching used in traditional fundraising, we use a many-to-many matching pledge that creates a network effect (like the internet itself) so that we all reinforce one another. Unlike one-time fundraising campaigns that help projects get started, pays out monthly to provide sustainability for ongoing work.

Before the times of modern market capitalism, creative workers were supported by wealthy patrons. With, the global community becomes the patron. Instead of businesses deciding the options that we then merely choose from as consumers, we will support and actively work with projects that best serve the interests of the public.

Snowdrift wiki:

IRC at: at #snowdrift


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