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hpr1777 :: Magnatune Favourites

Andrew and Dave talk about Magnatune and some of their favourite tracks

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Thumbnail of Dave Morriss
Hosted by Dave Morriss on Tuesday, 2015-05-26 is flagged as Explicit and is released under a CC-BY-NC-SA license.
Magnatune, music. 1.

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Duration: 01:07:13
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Magnatune Favourites

Andrew Conway and Dave Morriss, who each have a lifetime membership with Magnatune, talk about the label and share some favourite tracks.

About Magnatune

Magnatune Logo
Magnatune Logo

Magnatune is an American independent record label based in Berkeley, California. It was founded in 2003 by John Buckman.

When first set up music could be bought from Magnatune through a download interface on the website with a "pay what you like" pricing model. Later it was possible to purchase physical CDs and in 2007 complete albums and individual tracks could be bought through

Magnatune moved to a membership plan in 2008 and in 2010 dropped the CD printing service. The subscription model offers monthly or lifetime membership. Members can download as much as they want, or with a streaming membership can stream as much as they want. Many download formats are available and all music is without DRM.

Magnatune encourages buyers to share up to three copies with friends. All of the tracks downloaded free of charge are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike (BY-NC-SA) License.

It's legal to play Magnatune music on a non-commercial podcast without paying collecting society fees to organisations such as ASCAP, BMI or SoundExchange.

Music Choices

The picture we mentioned when discussing the artist Kalabi
Picture from Kalabi's page on Magnatune

See also if you want more.

  1. Wikipedia entry on Magnatune:
  2. Magnatune site:
  3. Wikipedia entry on Creative Commons:
  4. John Buckman's blog:
  5. Web-based Magnatune player:


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Comment #1 posted on 2015-05-28 09:42:58 by inscius

Thank you, DJ Andrew and DJ Dave.
Nice episode with great music. I am also Magnatune member and did not know of most of the artists you played.

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