hpr1722 :: Kansas Linux Fest 2015, March 21-22, Lawrence KS
We wish to announce a new Linux Fest to serve the Midwest
Hosted by FiftyOneFifty (R.I.P.) on Tuesday, 2015-03-10 is flagged as Clean and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
#KLF15, Kansas Linux Fest, KLF.
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We are pleased to announce the first annual Kansas Linux Fest (https://KansasLinuxFest.us), hashtag #KLF15. It will be hosted by the Lawrence Public Library, Lawrence Kansas, March 21-22, 2015. The Kansas Linux Fest is a project of the Free/Libre Open Source and Open Knowledge Association of Kansas (https://www.openkansas.us) and other organizations.
Special recognition needs to be paid to Hacker Public Radio contributor James Michael DuPont for taking point in making a community event in the central United States a reality. Speakers (https://www.kansaslinuxfest.us/pages/schedule.html ) include Open Source Advocate Dave Lester, Hal Gottfried, cofounder of the Open Hardware Evangelist Kansas City Open Hardware Group, David Stokes, MySQL Community Manager at Oracle, Ben C. Roose, Technology Consultant for Live Performance, Kevin Lane, Technical Consultant IV at HP Enterprise Services, Jonathan George, CEO @boxcar, and podcaster and open source evangelist, FiftyOneFifty.
Registration for conference tickets can be found on the KLF website. Fan tickets are free, but supporter level tickets may be purchased with a free will donation which will go towards marketing and food.
You will find links on the https://KansasLinuxFest.us homepage that will allow you to follow the conference on social and other media, as well as an RSS feed. There is also information on how to become involved with Free/Libre Open Source and Open Knowledge Association of Kansas.