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hpr1699 :: FOSDEM 2015 Part 3 of 5

Wikimedia, Hack the Knit, Jitsi, XMMP, Kolab, DoudouLinux

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Thumbnail of Ken Fallon
Hosted by Ken Fallon on Thursday, 2015-02-05 is flagged as Explicit and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
Wikimedia, Hack the Knit, Jitsi, XMMP, Kolab, DoudouLinux. 2.

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format. Play now:

Duration: 00:47:56
Download the transcription and subtitles.


HPR Correspondents bring you Interviews from interesting people and projects


FOSDEM is a two-day event organised by volunteers to promote the widespread use of open source software. Videos of the talks refered to in this show are made available on their website.



Listen to the interview with Quim Gil


The Wikimedia Foundation, Inc. is a nonprofit charitable organization dedicated to encouraging the growth, development and distribution of free, multilingual, educational content, and to providing the full content of these wiki-based projects to the public free of charge. The Wikimedia Foundation operates some of the largest collaboratively edited reference projects in the world, including Wikipedia, a top-ten internet property.

Constant Association for Art and Media ~ Hack the Knit


Listen to the interview with Andz and Chris


Constant is a non-profit association, an interdisciplinary arts-lab based and active in Brussels since 1997. Constant works in-between media and art and is interested in the culture and ethics of the World Wide Web. The artistic practice of Constant is inspired by the way that technological infrastructures, data-exchange and software determine our daily life. Free software, copyright alternatives and (cyber)feminism are important threads running through the activities of Constant. Constant organizes workshops, print-parties, walks and "Verbindingen/Jonctions"-meetings on a regular basis for a public that's into experiments, discussions and all kinds of exchanges.

Libre Graphics magazine


Listen to the interview with ginger


A Libre Graphics Magazine is long overdue. In a market dominated by magazines devoted to design discourse built around proprietary tools and the latest computer graphics tricks and techniques, users of Libre Graphics software are underserved and unrecognized. We know that these users exist, both professionally and as hobbyists. We know this because we are they. We are graphic designers, media artists, photographers and web designers. We use Libre Graphics software, quietly and without regard. Our peers, used to proprietary alternatives, question our choice of tools. Our work, when executed well, is indistinguishable from work produced by more traditional means. Thus, our choices are invisible, unless we make an issue of them.



Listen to the interview with Ingo Bauersachs


Jitsi is an audio/video Internet phone and instant messenger written in Java. It supports some of the most popular instant messaging and telephony protocols such as SIP, Jabber/XMPP (and hence Facebook and Google Talk), AIM, ICQ, MSN, Yahoo! Messenger.



Listen to the interview with Joachim Lindborg


The Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol (XMPP) is an open technology for real-time communication, which powers a wide range of applications including instant messaging, presence, multi-party chat, voice and video calls, collaboration, lightweight middleware, content syndication, and generalized routing of XML data.

Kolab, MyKolab, Roundcube


Listen to the interview with Robin Edgar


We offer secure email accounts including calendars and address books that synchronize to all your devices. The data is stored in our very own data center in Switzerland and cannot be accessed by spy programs such as PRISM, so there will be no spying. There is also no corporate spying, because we show no advertisements. Enjoy the convenience of the Cloud without compromising freedom and openness.
Kolab is a free and open source groupware suite. It consists of the Kolab server and a wide variety of Kolab clients, including KDE PIM-Suite Kontact, Horde Webfrontend, Mozilla Thunderbird and Mozilla Lightning with SyncKolab extension and Microsoft Outlook with proprietary Kolab-Connector PlugIns.
Roundcube is a web-based IMAP email client. Roundcube's most prominent feature is the pervasive use of Ajax technology to present a more fluid and responsive user interface than that of traditional webmail clients. After about two years of development, the first stable release of Roundcube was announced in early 2008.

It is also time to mark the 2nd and 3rd of May 2015 in your calendars: the inaugural Kolab Summit will be held in The Hague on those dates. Come and join us for two days jam-packed full with talks, code sprints and social events!

Kolab Summit and openSUSE Conference
Den Haag / Netherlands 
May 01 - 04, 2015



Listen to the interview with Xavier Brusselaers


DoudouLinux is a system targeting young children. It aims at making computer use as simple and pleasant as possible; while also making computer use more accessible to all children on earth, without discrimination, in order to favor their self-fulfillment. In this section you will learn more about how it works, how it is designed, who developed it, how it came to be, why, and so on.


Track name : Free Software Song
Performer : Fenster
Recorded date : 2002
Copyright : Copyright (C) 2002, 
Fenster LLC. Verbatim copying of this entire recording is permitted in any medium, 
provided this notice is preserved. 
Paul Robinson (vocals), 
Roman Kravec (guitar), 
Ed D'Angelo (bass), 
Dave Newman (drums), 
Brian Yarbrough (trumpet), 
Tony Moore (trumpet). 
Free software info at speeches at


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Comment #1 posted on 2015-02-05 11:29:20 by FiftyOneFifty

Play dat funky music

Where did you get the funky bumper music?

Comment #2 posted on 2015-02-05 13:29:02 by Mike Ray

Thanks for asking the right questions

Well done Ken, so far. I've enjoyed the Fossdem interview casts so far. Don't usually get much from the interview episodes but this has been good.

Thanks for asking the right questions about accessibility. I have had to smile at some of the reactions. Like the guy saying they are trying to get it right for 99% of the users before bothering to do anything about accessibility. And your response was quite right, because we all know that is a moving target.

Was dismayed you didn't ask about accessibility to the DouDouLinux guy, who said a lot about what's on the screen.

And their tag-line: "...pleasant as possible; while also making computer use more accessible to all children on earth, without discrimination...,". I bet blind kids haven't even occurred to him.

I'm dying to see if Linux Mint features in the last episode.

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