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hpr1651 :: HPR Community News for November 2014

HPR Community News for November 2014

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Hosted by HPR Volunteers on Monday, 2014-12-01 is flagged as Explicit and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
Community News. 2.

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Duration: 01:03:20
Download the transcription and subtitles.

HPR Community News.

A monthly look at what has been going on in the HPR community. This is a regular show scheduled for the first Monday of the month.

New hosts

Welcome to our new hosts:
pyrrhic, Al.

Last Month's Shows

Id Date Title Host
1631 2014-11-03 HPR Community News for October 2014 HPR Volunteers
1632 2014-11-04 5150 Shades of Beer: 0002 Wichita Brewing Company FiftyOneFifty
1633 2014-11-05 The OggCamp organizers beni
1634 2014-11-06 How I got into Linux pyrrhic
1635 2014-11-07 41 - LibreOffice Calc - Data Manipulation 1: Sorting and AutoFilter Ahuka
1636 2014-11-10 How I make coffee Dave Morriss
1637 2014-11-11 Communities Are Made of People FiftyOneFifty
1638 2014-11-12 Surviving A Roadtrip: Food Windigo
1639 2014-11-13 Ken Starks at Ohio Linux Fest 2014 Ahuka
1640 2014-11-14 Symmetric vs. Asymmetric Encryption Ahuka
1641 2014-11-17 The real reasons for using Linux johanv
1642 2014-11-18 Frist Time at Oggcamp Al
1643 2014-11-19 Unison Syncing Utility FiftyOneFifty
1644 2014-11-20 Benetech, OpenStack and Kumusha semioticrobotic
1645 2014-11-21 42 - LibreOffice Calc - Data Manipulation 2: Standard and Advanced Filters Ahuka
1646 2014-11-24 5150 Shades of Beer 0003 River City Brewing Company and Wichita Brewing Company FiftyOneFifty
1647 2014-11-25 Oggcast Planet Live 2014: The Cooking Show FiftyOneFifty
1648 2014-11-26 Bash parameter manipulation Dave Morriss
1649 2014-11-27 Raspberry Pi Accessibility Breakthrough Mike Ray
1650 2014-11-28 OCPLive2014 Night Life In Elysburg PA FiftyOneFifty

Comments this month

There are 25 comments:

  • hpr1649 (2014-11-27) "Raspberry Pi Accessibility Breakthrough" by Mike Ray.
    1. Steve Bickle on 2014-11-27:"Great Episode"
    2. Mike Ray on 2014-11-27:"Pi Accessibility"
    3. Tony Wood on 2014-11-28:"[no title]"
    4. Mike Ray on 2014-11-29:"Over to you Tony"

  • hpr1648 (2014-11-26) "Bash parameter manipulation" by Dave Morriss.
    1. Tom Rodman on 2014-11-27:"Thx for covering bash substring expansion"
    2. Mike Ray on 2014-11-29:"Great stuff"

  • hpr1643 (2014-11-19) "Unison Syncing Utility" by FiftyOneFifty.
    1. 0xf10e on 2014-11-20:"[no title]"
    2. Frank on 2014-11-21:"Two supplements on Unison"

  • hpr1642 (2014-11-18) "Frist Time at Oggcamp" by Al.
    1. Mike Ray on 2014-11-18:"MaryTTS, clipping"

  • hpr1641 (2014-11-17) "The real reasons for using Linux" by johanv.
    1. Mikael on 2014-11-18:"[no title]"

  • hpr1640 (2014-11-14) "Symmetric vs. Asymmetric Encryption" by Ahuka.
    1. johanv on 2014-11-18:"Thank you for explaining this"
    2. Kevin O'Brien on 2014-11-18:"You're welcome"

  • hpr1637 (2014-11-11) "Communities Are Made of People" by FiftyOneFifty.
    1. Mikael on 2014-11-14:"re Facebook"

  • hpr1636 (2014-11-10) "How I make coffee" by Dave Morriss.
    1. victor on 2014-11-09:"Great episode! "
    2. expatpaul on 2014-11-12:"Bialetti"
    3. Dave Morriss on 2014-11-12:"Thanks for the feedback"

  • hpr1630 (2014-10-31) "Bare Metal Programming on the Raspberry Pi (Part 2)" by Gabriel Evenfire.
    1. Mike Ray on 2014-11-01:"Another excellent episode"
    2. Gabriel Evenfire on 2014-11-01:"Password protected PDF..."

  • hpr1619 (2014-10-16) "Bare Metal Programming on the Raspberry Pi (Part 1)" by Gabriel Evenfire.
    1. Alison Chaiken on 2014-11-09:"Very valuable content"

  • hpr1612 (2014-10-07) "Don't Forget the Referbs" by NYbill.
    1. Charles in NJ on 2014-11-03:"Returns are fun"

  • hpr1599 (2014-09-18) "Interview with Ingmar Steiner from the MaryTTS project" by Ken Fallon.
    1. Steve Bickle on 2014-11-09:"How to for Debian"
    2. Mike Ray on 2014-11-13:"MaryTTS howto etc"
    3. Steve Bickle on 2014-11-26:"Horses for courses"
    4. Steve Bickle on 2014-11-26:"Maryspeak project now on github"
    5. Mike Ray on 2014-11-28:"maryspeak, great stuff"


Subscribe to the comments RSS feed.

Comment #1 posted on 2014-12-01 01:25:53 by Mike Ray

Comment about the RPI GPU in com news for November

Just listened to the com news for November. I don't know what's been worse this month, 5150's snoring or ken Fallon's singing :)

About the GPU on the RPI; it's actually a pretty powerful little device. I think the GPU is every bit as powerful as the actual CPU. It supports hardware graphics acceleration as well as audio rendering and I have had CD quality audio playing at the same time as TTS through my OMX code and it never misses a beat. I can't speak for video though of course, but again I suspect it would manage pretty much anything any game can throw at it.

But then the last game I played was Duke Nukem 3D about fifteen years ago :)

It's also possible to split the RAM in different proprtions between the GPU and the CPU

Comment #2 posted on 2014-12-01 14:45:26 by Dave Morriss

Ken Starks' Indiegogo campaign

I forgot to send Ken the link that was mentioned on the Community News when we were talking about Ahuka's show hpr1639 last month. This was a recording of Ken Starks' talk at Ohio Linux Fest 2014. David Whitman also posted details of the campaign on the HPR mailing list on 2014-11-08.

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