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hpr1586 :: HPR Community News for August 2014

Dave and Ken review the happenings for the month.

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Hosted by HPR Volunteers on Monday, 2014-09-01 is flagged as Explicit and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
Community News. (Be the first).

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Duration: 01:12:26
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HPR Community News.

A monthly look at what has been going on in the HPR community. This is a regular show scheduled for the first Monday of the month.

New hosts

Welcome to our new hosts:

Last Month's Shows

Id Date Title Host
1565 2014-08-01 34 - LibreOffice Calc - More on Chart Editing Ahuka
1566 2014-08-04 HPR Community News for July 2014 HPR Volunteers
1567 2014-08-05 Multiboot Partitioning with Linux Matt McGraw (g33kdad)
1568 2014-08-06 Blather Speech Recognition for Linux Jon Kulp
1569 2014-08-07 Many-to-many data relationship howto Mike Ray
1570 2014-08-08 The JFS File System JWP
1571 2014-08-11 Yahoo Mail Forwarder ToeJet
1572 2014-08-12 An Open Source News Break from semioticrobotic
1573 2014-08-13 Make your own t-shirt with bleach Quvmoh
1574 2014-08-14 Arts and Bots klaatu
1575 2014-08-15 35 - LibreOffice Calc - Introduction to Functions Ahuka
1576 2014-08-18 How I got into Linux Inscius
1577 2014-08-19 Introducing Nikola the Static Web Site and Blog Generator guitarman
1578 2014-08-20 AudioBookClub-08-How to Succeed in Evil:The Novel HPR_AudioBookClub
1579 2014-08-21 Crowd Sourced Air Quality Monitoring klaatu
1580 2014-08-22 The fast and ntfs File System JWP
1581 2014-08-25 Sensible Security: The Schneier Model Ahuka
1582 2014-08-26 An Open Source News Break from semioticrobotic
1583 2014-08-27 Podcast Generator AukonDK
1584 2014-08-28 An interview with Josh Knapp from Ken Fallon
1585 2014-08-29 36 - LibreOffice Calc - Financial Functions - Loan Payments Ahuka

Comments this month

There are 17 comments:

  • hpr1577 (2014-08-19) "Introducing Nikola the Static Web Site and Blog Generator" by guitarman.
    1. x1101 on 2014-08-21: "Thanks!"
    2. guitarman on 2014-08-23: "Cool"

  • hpr1570 (2014-08-08) "The JFS File System" by JWP.
    1. Klaatu on 2014-08-11: "JFS works for me."

  • hpr1569 (2014-08-07) "Many-to-many data relationship howto" by Mike Ray.
    1. Dave Morriss on 2014-08-08: "Thanks for an impressive show"
    2. Mike Ray on 2014-08-10: "Hope it wasn't too long and technical"
    3. Ken Fallon on 2014-08-11: "Brilliant episode but I'm still not convinced"
    4. Mike Ray on 2014-08-11: "Scalability"
    5. Ken Fallon on 2014-08-16: "Scalability is not an issue."
    6. Mike Ray on 2014-08-16: "Scalability"
    7. Ken Fallon on 2014-08-19: "Straw Man Argument"
    8. Mike Ray on 2014-08-21: "New host name"

  • hpr1568 (2014-08-06) "Blather Speech Recognition for Linux" by Jon Kulp.
    1. klaatu on 2014-08-11: "Amazing!"

  • hpr1566 (2014-08-04) "HPR Community News for July 2014" by HPR Volunteers.
    1. Steve Bickle on 2014-08-05: "How /etc is pronounced"
    2. Dave Morriss on 2014-08-07: "Et cetera, and so forth"
    3. Mike Ray on 2014-08-08: "/etc blah blah"

  • hpr1554 (2014-07-17) "07 - The Crown Conspiracy" by HPR_AudioBookClub.
    1. brijwhiz on 2014-08-03: "Journey comments and next book podcast"

  • hpr1199 (2013-03-07) "Old Time Radio on the web" by Frank Bell.
    1. Mike Ray on 2014-08-08: "OTR"


  • guitarman for messing up attribution, and the shownotes
  • semioticrobotic for mixing up his shows


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