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hpr1578 :: AudioBookClub-08-How to Succeed in Evil:The Novel

The HPR_AudioBookClub reviews How to Succeed in Evil: The Novel by @PatrickEMcLean.

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Hosted by HPR_AudioBookClub on Wednesday, 2014-08-20 is flagged as Explicit and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
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Duration: 02:00:13
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HPR AudioBook Club

In this episode, the Audiobook Club reviews How to Succeed in Evil: The Novel by Patrick E. McLean.

Three out of four of us liked this book, and we all had some good things to say about it. While it's true that this is an entertaining story set in a super hero world, we found it it more amusing and more thought provoking than your average super hero story.

As usual, during this episode of the AudioBookClub the hosts have each reviewed a beverage of their choice.

Our next audiobook will be Down and Out in the Magic Kingdom by Corey Doctorow Our next book club recording will be 2014/07/15T23:00:00+00:00 ( If you'd like a Google calendar invite, or if you'd like to be on the HPR_AudioBookClub mailing list, please get in contact with us on the HPR mailing list 'hpr at hackerpublicradio dot org'

There are several ways to submit feedback for this episode including the HPR mail list, and the episode's comment section

pokey prefers his feedback to come via the HackerPublicRadio comment system, but is also usually available on StatusNet @pokey/

Please remember to visit the HPR contribution page. We could really use your help right now.

We had a great time recording this show, and we hope you enjoyed it as well. We hope you'll consider joining us next time. Thank you very much for listening.

Sincerely, The HPR_AudioBookClub

P.S. Some people enjoy finding mistakes. For their enjoyment, we have included a few.


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