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hpr1566 :: HPR Community News for July 2014

Dave reviews the happenings for the month, with a brief visit from pegwole.

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Hosted by HPR Volunteers on Monday, 2014-08-04 is flagged as Explicit and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
Community News. 3.

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Duration: 00:39:10
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HPR Community News.

A monthly look at what has been going on in the HPR community. This is a regular show scheduled for the first Monday of the month.

New hosts

Welcome to our new hosts:
Scyner, Mike Ray.

Last Month's Shows

Id Date Title Host
1542 2014-07-01 Agnes is an IT Lawyer Seetee
1543 2014-07-02 What's in my bag Ken Fallon
1544 2014-07-03 An Open Source News Break from semioticrobotic
1545 2014-07-04 32 - LibreOffice Calc - Introduction to Charts and Graphs Ahuka
1546 2014-07-07 HPR Community News for June 2014 HPR Admins
1547 2014-07-08 My Linux Experience Birthday Special David Whitman
1548 2014-07-09 Heyu and X10 Peter64
1549 2014-07-10 Cool Stuff Pt.1 Curtis Adkins (CPrompt^)
1550 2014-07-11 The Ext3 and 4 File System JWP
1551 2014-07-14 Bitcoin Mining Scyner
1552 2014-07-15 An Open Source News Break from semioticrobotic
1553 2014-07-16 TuxJam 33.333 - How we got into Linux Andrew Conway
1554 2014-07-17 07 - The Crown Conspiracy HPR_AudioBookClub
1555 2014-07-18 33 - LibreOffice Calc - Creating Charts Ahuka
1556 2014-07-21 Screenplay Writing On Linux and Chromebooks Thistleweb
1557 2014-07-22 Encrypting E-mail on Android; Importing Keys Ahuka
1558 2014-07-23 Lunch Breaks Christopher M. Hobbs
1559 2014-07-24 We don't always need new gear. Knightwise
1560 2014-07-25 The reiserfs File System JWP
1561 2014-07-28 How I got into Accessible Computing Mike Ray
1562 2014-07-29 Android For The cli/c Junkie sigflup
1563 2014-07-30 Starting Programs at boot on the Raspberry Pi MrX
1564 2014-07-31 An Open Source News Break from semioticrobotic

Mailing List discussions

Policy decisions surrounding HPR are taken by the community as a whole. This discussion takes place on the Mail List which is open to all HPR listeners and contributors. The discussions are open and available on the Gmane archive.

Discussed this month were:

  • Ahuka's interview by semioticrobotic for
  • Discussion of who is going to OggCamp 14, reserving a table and who has the table kit
  • Montana Ethical Hackers want to broadcast HPR content on 107.9FM End Of the Dial--Hacker Radio
  • The Mumble server has moved
  • Some Community News banter about many-to-many database relationships initiated a show!
  • Audio Book Club - planning the next recordings, the Mumble change and the location of the feeds
  • A slight misunderstanding about Orca arising from the Community News
  • Some discussion about the generation of audio and HTML show notes
  • Should we publish the HPR downloads stats ? - continuation of last month's discussion with the conclusion that yes, we should publish these stats
  • 5150's devastating news - he lost his house in a fire. He and his father are OK, but 5150 got some first-degree and second-degree burns. A funding site has been set up by Dan Frey at
  • Fwd: Migration in the future (To my company). -
    • Josh Knapp is setting up his own hosting company
    • The HPR site will be migrating there
    • A thank you to Josh's company will be included in the intro
    • The outro will need to be re-recorded
    • A summary of the show will also be included after the intro, using text to speech
  • New Intro, Outro, and Template Files now available - the show note header has been changed too and the details on the web site at

Comments this month

There are 13 comments:

  • hpr1563 etalas: "[no title]", relating to the show hpr1563 (2014-07-30) "Starting Programs at boot on the Raspberry Pi" by MrX.
  • hpr1558 Mark Waters: "Thanks", relating to the show hpr1558 (2014-07-23) "Lunch Breaks" by Christopher M. Hobbs.
  • hpr1558 Ken Fallon: "You *must* get a recording device for mobile interviews", relating to the show hpr1558 (2014-07-23) "Lunch Breaks" by Christopher M. Hobbs.
  • hpr1558 pokey: "Cool topic", relating to the show hpr1558 (2014-07-23) "Lunch Breaks" by Christopher M. Hobbs.
  • hpr1558 Beeza: "Lunchbreak Exploration", relating to the show hpr1558 (2014-07-23) "Lunch Breaks" by Christopher M. Hobbs.
  • hpr1554 Colin : "Journey comments", relating to the show hpr1554 (2014-07-17) "07 - The Crown Conspiracy" by HPR_AudioBookClub.
  • hpr1553 pokey: "Fun ep", relating to the show hpr1553 (2014-07-16) "TuxJam 33.333 - How we got into Linux " by Andrew Conway.
  • hpr1551 pokey: "Very interesting", relating to the show hpr1551 (2014-07-14) "Bitcoin Mining" by Scyner.
  • hpr1549 pokey: "Cool stuff", relating to the show hpr1549 (2014-07-10) "Cool Stuff Pt.1" by Curtis Adkins (CPrompt^).
  • hpr1538 Jon Kulp : "Thanks Dave! ", relating to the show hpr1538 (2014-06-25) "Overhauling the School of Music website" by Jon Kulp.
  • hpr1284 Jon Kulp : "Help for Ash", relating to the show hpr1284 (2013-07-04) "Blather Speech Recognition for Linux: Interview with Jezra" by Jon Kulp.
  • hpr1199 Don Frey: "[no title]", relating to the show hpr1199 (2013-03-07) "Old Time Radio on the web" by Frank Bell.
  • hpr0367 Georgi : "[no title]", relating to the show hpr0367 (2009-05-28) "Screw you Hacker" by Chad.


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Comment #1 posted on 2014-08-05 08:30:25 by Steve Bickle

How /etc is pronounced

/etc is not pronounced etcetera because it actually stands for 'extended text configuration' hence the et'c pronunciation.

Ok that's me done with my "somebody's wrong on the Internet" moment for now ;-)

Comment #2 posted on 2014-08-07 13:53:05 by Dave Morriss

Et cetera, and so forth

Hi Steve,

Thanks for responding to my random mutterings.

You know, I had never heard that explanation, and didn't know there had been/is a war about this pronunciation.

Here's my experience: I encountered my first Unix system in the 1970's. I was working at Lancaster University and we were evaluating a Harris (sp?) system. We reckoned the directory was "et cetera" and nobody told us otherwise. We didn't buy a Harris.

At my next job in the 1980's I attended a course run by HP on their HP-UX system where I am certain the trainer called /etc "et cetera". We did end up with HP, Sun, Apollo, SGI and DEC Unix flavours thereafter, and in none of them was /etc ever anything other than "et cetera".

I have heard it called "slash ee tee cee" but that's probably an anomaly.

Plus, Wikipedia reckons "et cetera" is correct and "extended text configuration"/"et see" is a backronym. I have to say it certainly smells of backronym and folk etymology to me :-)

I rest my case ...

Comment #3 posted on 2014-08-08 13:10:08 by Mike Ray

/etc blah blah

I agree with Dave. My first encounter with Unix was with a Honeywell Bull System V box in 1991 and technical and educational docs from Honeywell Bull themselves called it 'etcetera'. I like the pronunciation 'etsy' though

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