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hpr1558 :: Lunch Breaks

Break out of your brown bag or greasy box and explore the world around your workplace!

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Thumbnail of Christopher M. Hobbs
Hosted by Christopher M. Hobbs on Wednesday, 2014-07-23 is flagged as Explicit and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
urban exploration, lunch, leisure, stealth. 4.

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format. Play now:

Duration: 00:25:05
Download the transcription and subtitles.


Back after a year of HPR silence, I'll talk a little about how I like to spend my lunch breaks and how you can explore your workplace. Put down those tater tots, we're going on an adventure!

In this episode I'll give some information about my lunch history, ways you can maximise your time, gear you'll need to start short stealth/urban exploration, techniques for finding places to explore, and ways to handle being spotted.

If this goes well enough and the audio isn't too garbled, I'll record episodes for the "How I Got Into (GNU) Linux" series.

Here are a few links related to the episode. Note that I link to Amazon and Google. I don't necessarily condone or endorse either service, I just didn't know of any better sources for product information.


Sample sit pads:


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Comment #1 posted on 2014-07-23 18:12:12 by Mark Waters


Thanks for sharing , that was a great episode , makes me want to go urban exploring.

Comment #2 posted on 2014-07-24 07:42:14 by Ken Fallon

You *must* get a recording device for mobile interviews

Hi Christopher,

A fantastic episode. As I was listening to all the tours you got I couldn't help thinking "record that as a HPR show".

So get yourself a Zoom, and a Sanza Clip as a backup and get recording. Getting some business cards printed out also helps as it makes the people more comfortable been recorded.


Comment #3 posted on 2014-07-25 04:50:45 by pokey

Cool topic

I almost thought I was listening to myself though. I explore in much the same way, and would have given many of the same tips, right down to the hammock. +1 for acting natural, being truthful, and avoiding private property. The shopping bag was a new one on me though. I'll consider it.

I prefer to explore on my free time, and nap on my lunch break. I like to walk for hours when I'm in the woods.

I made my own hammock for camping, and I made a small one just for sitting in if i'm out walking in the woods. I had to re-tie it several times to get it right, but it's nice to sit in.

If you record traces of the trails that you walk, I'd be happy to add them into for you, if you're interested, and if you're not already editing it yourself.

I love exploring buildings too, and I do it every chance I get. I love to see attics, basements, sub-basements, frame work, etc... I love to see how old buildings were built, and just honor the craftsmanship. Sometimes you get to see "so-and-so was here" and a date from long ago. That's always a real treat. I once got to go in a clock in a tower, and watch the guy wind it.

Thanks for the great episode. It was a real treat.

Comment #4 posted on 2014-07-30 11:42:00 by Beeza

Lunchbreak Exploration

I loved this episode.

I've worked in all sorts of places and always spent my breaks exploring my surroundings - sometimes within a building and sometimes further afield.

When I used to work for a UK government department I was staggered at how easy it was to access some supposedly restricted areas.

Many office buildings have a floor above the top of the liftshaft. It's not so much that you're not supposed to go there - just that nobody expects you to. That often provides unofficial access to adjacent companies in shared buildings.

Your tip to "look like you have a right to be there" is fundamental to the whole "hobby".

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