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hpr1542 :: Agnes is an IT Lawyer

Today on #HPR; listen to @IT_Advokaten talk about the change in EU law regarding personal data!

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Thumbnail of Seetee
Hosted by Seetee on Tuesday, 2014-07-01 is flagged as Clean and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
it solutions expo 2014, interview, personal data, eu, law. (Be the first).

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Duration: 00:12:28
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Today on Hacker Public Radio, we will talk to an IT lawyer about the new EU regulations regarding personal data.

"One thing I think you should be aware of is a principle called 'Privacy by Design and Privacy by Default'!"
-- Agnes

IT Solutions Expo 2014

In April 2014 I visited the "IT Solutions Expo" at the conference centre known as "The Swedish Fair" in Gothenburg. The tagline of the IT Solutions Expo was "The fair that shows you how to make money on tomorrow's IT solutions".

So a lot of corporate propaganda and sales people. To be totally honest, I hesitated going there. But I am glad I did. There where some really interesting talks concerning privacy and technology that I would not have liked to miss.

Agnes Andersson Hammarstrand, IT Lawyer

The real highlight of the fair was the talk by Agnes Andersson Hammarstrand, a lawyer specialised in information technology. She covered the new laws that will come to pass in the European Union regarding how we are allowed to handle personal data.

I was very happy that she was willing to give a short interview for Hacker Public Radio.

It is interesting to see that it is not only consumers who are starting to think that information about us should be kept safe, it is also slowly becoming the law. If your work in or with companies in the European Union, this is definitely a heads-up, something to take notice of. In a couple of years time you must be ready to follow the new legislation.

In her talk Agnes also mentioned that companies should have someone who is responsible for privacy issues. Perhaps this is an opportunity for the HPR listeners? Most of you probably feel that this is an important topic already, so why not make it a part of your job description?

You find all the relevant links down below. If you want to send feedback or get in touch with either Agnes or me, please do not hesitate to do so. If you have any thoughts on the subject at hand or regarding the show, use any of the means below and speak your mind.

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