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hpr1513 :: Stir-Fried Stochasticity: Bio-Boogers

Epicanis demonstrates a show concept: REAL science news, direct from a scientific journal articles

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Hosted by Epicanis on Wednesday, 2014-05-21 is flagged as Clean and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
Stir-Fried Stochasticity, science, microbiology, food science, polysaccharides, food, probiotics, snot, boogers, digestion. 8.

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format. Play now:

Duration: 00:14:37
Download the transcription and subtitles.


This is a show concept I came up with half a decade ago, as the show itself explains. The journal article may be found as PubMed ID#19323757 ( ) if you want to follow along.

Hopefully the updated time references below for the show-note comments are now correct for this version of it. They should be close, anyway.

Also, I'm oddly pleased at how inferior the "old" part of today's episode sounds: it means I've actually gotten a lot better at recording and editing. (It's quite listenable still, I think, it just doesn't sound as good as the newer stuff.)

  • 03:46 Ding WK,Shah NP:"Effect of Various Encapsulating Materials on the Stability of Probiotic Bacteria";2009;J. Food Sci.;vol.74 #2; pp M100-M107
  • 07:10 For your copy-and-paste pleasure: de Man JD,Rogosa M, Sharpe ME:"A Medium for the Cultivation of Lactobacilli";1960; J. Appl. Bact.;23; 130-135
  • 07:52 I'm pretty sure that the Hasbro corporation, owners of the "Play-Doh(tm)" trademark, don't actually make microfluidizers - it's just an analogy
  • 10:25 -=Executive Summary=-
  • 11:05 Yes, including you...
  • 11:47 Yes, "Fecal Transplants". Ewwww.
  • 11:53 You're welcome.
  • 12:30 If you're not familiar with this kitchen gadget, a "French Press" is a device for making coffee or tea. It's A glass cylinder with a fine wire-screen plunger. I suspect you could "plunge" the ingredients together repeatedly to get a sloppy substitute for the microfluidizer processing.
  • 12:28 Larger volume/surface-area ratio, you see... (The "Album Art" photo is "She Slimed Me", by "Jurveston" on Flickr: )
  • 03:46 Ding WK,Shah NP:"Effect of Various Encapsulating Materials on the Stability of Probiotic Bacteria";2009;J. Food Sci.;vol.74 #2; pp M100-M107
  • 06:14 (update the location of the "Executive Summary" from "the 8 minute mark" to "the 10 minute 20 second mark")
  • 07:10 For your copy-and-paste pleasure: de Man JD,Rogosa M, Sharpe ME:"A Medium for the Cultivation of Lactobacilli";1960; J. Appl. Bact.;23; 130-135
  • 07:52 I'm pretty sure that the Hasbro corporation, owners of the "Play-Doh(tm)" trademark, don't actually make microfluidizers - it's just an analogy
  • 10:25 -=Executive Summary=-
  • 11:05 Yes, including you...
  • 11:47 Yes, "Fecal Transplants". Ewwww.
  • 11:53 You're welcome.
  • 12:30 If you're not familiar with this kitchen gadget, a "French Press" is a device for making coffee or tea. It's A glass cylinder with a fine wire-screen plunger. I suspect you could "plunge" the ingredients together repeatedly to get a sloppy substitute for the microfluidizer processing.
  • 12:28 Larger volume/surface-area ratio, you see...


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Comment #1 posted on 2014-05-21 03:12:23 by Phalax


This show was really interesting. Love the for dummies way you present the otherwise somewhat hard to understand topic. Great show!

Comment #2 posted on 2014-05-21 13:39:58 by My5t3r102

Really enjoyed this one. Found it interesting and engaging. I would very much like to hear some of your other topics.

Comment #3 posted on 2014-05-21 13:43:01 by My5t3r102

Really enjoyed this one!

Found it engaging and informative. Would very much like to hear you on other topics.

Comment #4 posted on 2014-05-21 22:51:46 by Quvmoh


Best episode ever!

Comment #5 posted on 2014-05-22 10:34:45 by NE5C1U5


wow! this was actaully REALLY good! much better than all other stuff i heard here

Comment #6 posted on 2014-05-22 14:37:09 by Epicanis

I guess I should do more of these

Thanks Phalax and My5t3r102 (and elmussol over on the blog) for the quick feedback - sounds like this format has at least a few fans, so I've bumped it up on my "potentially upcoming topics" list and I'll plan on doing more.

I have a pretty large stack of papers and subjects available, but more suggestions are also welcome!

Comment #7 posted on 2014-05-23 13:24:22 by mcnalu

Good and different

This was good and something rather unique too. Informative, funny, quirky.

Comment #8 posted on 2014-05-24 10:18:37 by Epicanis

There will be more

Thanks also Quvmoh, NE5C1U5, and mcnalu (and if anyone is waiting in the moderation queue, thank you, too.)

After these comments, I'll definitely be doing more of these.

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