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hpr1504 :: HPR at NELF 2014 Afterparty

In this episode, Members of the HPR community, and attendees of NELF share their thoughts about the

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Hosted by Various Hosts on Thursday, 2014-05-08 is flagged as Explicit and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
Conference Interviews. (Be the first).

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format. Play now:

Duration: 00:39:18
Download the transcription and subtitles.


In this episode, Members of the HPR community, and attendees of NELF share their thoughts about the 2014 Northeast GNU/Linux Fest. Sorry for the dynamic range of this one. I levelled it out the best I could. Also sorry for getting this out so late. RL has been kicking my ass lately.

Some interesting things that were mentioned that may be worth checking out: The NELF talks and website:

The Zoom H1 Recorders are fantastic devices, and we need to thank the HPR community for chipping in to buy one. They definitely pick up more sound than I did when the podcast was being recorded. I heard things in playback that I wish I had heard and addressed during the live recording.

Thanks to Richard Stallman for the lyrics to the Free Software Song

Thanks to The GNU/Stallmans for their performance of the Free Software Song on the RevolutionOS documentary.

We all had a great time recording this show, and we hope you enjoyed it as well. Please join us at the next Northeast Gnu/Linux Fest if you can. Thank you very much for listening.

Sincerely, The HPR conference crew

P.S. Some people enjoy finding mistakes. For their enjoyment, we have included a few.


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