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hpr1496 :: wiki on the raspberry pi

My experience of playing with wiki software on the raspberry pi

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Hosted by MrX on Monday, 2014-04-28 is flagged as Clean and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
Raspberry Pi, Wikidot, DokuWiki, Apache, DidiWiki, sed. 2.

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format. Play now:

Duration: 00:18:48
Download the transcription and subtitles.


My experience of playing with wiki software on the raspberry pi, I forgot to mention I run the standard Raspbian distribution on my pi if you run something else your mileage may vary.

When I listened to the show I noticed a few mistakes, there may be others as the show was pulled together rather hastily

1. The raspberry pi has either 256 or 512 MB of memory Not KB's oops

2. You can automatically create pages using camel-case words they don't need to start with the word wiki so in my example the page WikiNotes could just as easily be called GuffNotes. This is because at first I didnt appreciate the meaning of the word camelcase, you learn something new every day!

3. Wikidot still provides a free account, oops again!




sed man page

some sed tutorial and examples


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Comment #1 posted on 2014-05-04 22:44:59 by timttmy

ciwiki -- a didiwiki clone

Just a quick note to say I enjoyed the episode and that I use ciwiki a fork of didiwiki. The main benefit of ciwiki is that you can choose to make pages private and require a user to login to view or edit the content. . We needed something simple at work to keep sales quotes in but we are quite a small company so a full CRM would be overkill so I thought a wiki might be a good idea. I looked at LOADS, but decided that didiwiki (well ciwiki) was simple enough that everyone could use it with around 10 minutes training. We have been running it for around 3 and a half years now and a quick " ls .didiwiki | sed '/.prev.1/d' | wc -l " shows that there are 1137 pages in our .didiwiki folder. I've found that the built in browser search ctrl^ f works better when searching through page titles. Also backing it up is a piece of cake! I just have a script that runs at 4pm everyday which gzips the whole .didiwiki folder and emails it to me. The gzipped archive is less than 2MBs in size, another win for being plain text.

Anyway, thanks for the show!


Comment #2 posted on 2015-03-04 11:39:35 by JPRedonnet


Hi timttmy,

I am pleased you like ciwiki. If you have some toubles with it, or if you need more functionnalities. Don't hesitate to send me an email. You will find me email addr on

I'am the developper of this fork,
JP Redonnet.

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