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hpr1483 :: HPR Community News for March 2014

HPR Community News for March 2014

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Hosted by HPR Volunteers on Wednesday, 2014-04-09 is flagged as Explicit and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
Community News. (Be the first).

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Duration: 01:04:46
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HPR Community News.

A monthly look at what has been going on in the HPR community. This is a regular show scheduled for the first Monday of the month.

In today's community news we discuss the happenings in the HPR community. On the mumble were Dave Morriss and Ken Fallon, while we were joined by Pokey and NYBill from the North East Linux Fest. During the show we also heard from Bruce Patterson formally of the Distro weekly podcast. x1101 a HPR listener and soon to be new contributor and finally Paul from paul dot com Paul's Security Weekly.

New hosts

There were no new hosts this month.

Running out of shows

We got very few shows lately and were it not for the backup shows been moved into the main queue we would be in trouble.

Queue status showing a big dip in shows

Last Months Shows

id title host
1456 HPR Community News for January 2014 HPR Admins
1457 Xubuntu, Kali on EeePc, Markdown Stuff, Pogoplug 4, and more. Beto
1458 Free Culture and Open Animation Seetee
1459 Locational Privacy with retrotech-the lowly pager deepgeek
1460 The road warrios command line combat life. Knightwise
1461 FOSDEM Keysigning Event Dave Morriss
1462 Encryption and Email with Thunderbird Ahuka
1463 Code Is a Life Sucking Abyss, Also My Story sigflup
1464 HPR Audiobook Club: Space Casey HPR_AudioBookClub
1465 24 - LibreOffice Writer A Brochure Project Ahuka
1466 Thoughts on GPS pokey
1467 How to win Find-The-Difference games pokey
1468 A Whole Lot of Nothing: Chromebook EOL, CentOS WTF, Non Mainstream GNU/Linux Distros and more... Beto
1469 HPR Community News for February 2014 HPR Admins
1470 Learn to read time with ccClock Ken Fallon
1471 Encrypt Your Stuff With Blowfish sigflup
1472 How I Found Linux Curtis Adkins (CPrompt^)
1473 FOSDEM Discussion Dave Morriss
1474 A behind the Curtian Look at OsmAnd (OSM Automated Navigation Directions) with Pokey and David David Whitman
1475 25 - LibreOffice Calc What Is A Spreadsheet Ahuka
1476 Sega Genesis Music Driver sigflup

Mailing List discussions

Policy decisions surrounding HPR are taken by the community as a whole. This discussion takes place on the Mail List which is open to all HPR listeners and contributors. The discussions are open and available on the Gmane archive.

Discussed this month was:

Backup Shows

In a discussion started by Dave Morris. Some felt that the content was getting stale, and keeping shows for 2 years or even 3 months was too long. Others felt that these shows were contributed with the purpose of been used in an emergency and therefore should be timeless.
Eventually it was left to each of the contributors that had shows in the backup queue to release them, or to set them as emergency shows. The website has been updated to reflect this change.


The next audiobook is Shaman Tales Book 1: South Coast by Nathan Lowell. It's available on

wget -O - | xmlstarlet sel -T -t -m '/rss/channel/item/enclosure' -v "@url" -n - | grep 'PB-'| while read chapter;do wget $chapter;done

New Podcasts

Round table

The mumble server is still available for Recording round table discussions Port: 64747

Reserved slots

July 8 is reserved by davidWHITMAN

Usefulness of the Community News Show/Reserved Slot

Last month we asked if the community news should continue - and yes it should. We are open to suggestions on how to improve it.
It was also agreed to allow this show to be reserved.


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