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hpr1468 :: A Whole Lot of Nothing: Chromebook EOL, CentOS WTF, Non Mainstream GNU/Linux Distros and more...

Beto covers a wide range of subjects in this episode

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Hosted by Beto on Wednesday, 2014-03-19 is flagged as Explicit and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
XFCE, Debian, CentOS, Bridge Linux, Bedrock Linux, Ansible. 1.

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Duration: 00:59:05
Download the transcription and subtitles.


This episode covers a little bit of everything. The end of life for Chromebooks and how that hurts in some ways, hacker public radio topics, CentOS and Red Hat joining, participate with a non mainstream GNU/Linux Distros, and much more.

Here is a brief list of the topics and links covered in this episode:


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Comment #1 posted on 2014-03-19 22:01:16 by paradigm

Bedrock Linux

Hi, I'm the founder and lead developer of Bedrock Linux.

I made a point to pass your complements on the main people behind's design.

A key thing that may not have come across clearly which I wanted to elucidate: while Bedrock Linux happens to use chroot() behind the scenes, it is abstracted away from the end user. Moreover, things aren't as segregated as some may assume when they hear the word "chroot". From the end users point of view, you can just run programs and not worry about where they originate or how it works under-the-hood. If you want a web browser from one distro, steam from another, a window manager from yet a third, you can just do that and they all play along together as though they were all from the same distro. I may rework the documentation to put less emphasis on the word "chroot" to mimize possible confusion.

Thanks for helping get Bedrock Linux more attention! I agree - more TLC for smaller distros like Bedrock and Bridge would certainly be a good thing. Buuut maybe I'm biased.

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