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hpr1466 :: Thoughts on GPS

pokey meanders through his thoughts on GPS.

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Hosted by pokey on Monday, 2014-03-17 is flagged as Explicit and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
GPS, TomTom, OSM Tracker, OsmDroid, OsmAnd, WAZE. 2.

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format. Play now:

Duration: 00:30:37
Download the transcription and subtitles.


I've always liked maps. Since getting a few GPS enabled devices maps have become even more useful to me, and I like them more and more all the time. Here is a brief episode on the GPS devices and map software that I use most often. I hope you enjoy my episode, and find something useful in it. The outro is a remix of Downright by Broam and Klaatu.


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Comment #1 posted on 2014-03-19 11:54:31 by Ron

Great info

I am interested in GPS
the only device I have owned is my N900 it works ok as a GPS.
Starting to seem rally under powered.
The screen in small.
I will now watch for a TOMTOM to purchase.

Comment #2 posted on 2014-03-20 12:39:43 by pokey

I never used an N900

I had an N810 and I used a couple of gps/map programs on it, but neither were complete enough (at the time) to get much use out of. The one that I remember I think was called NavIt. It showed a lot of promise, but it couldn't do offline navigation.

The TomTom is like an iDevice in that it "just works." Meaning of course that it just does what it does, and nothing con be done differently than the way that the manufacturer has decreed. There are a few settings accessible to the user, but not much of any consequence. I bought mine used, and I'd buy another used one if I needed it. I'd even pay full price if I had to, but I'd never buy one on the primaty market; casting my dollar vote for the way that the company behaves. They make devices which run a Linux kernel and they lock the device to their own management software, which only runs on Windows or Mac (and poorly at that).

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