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hpr1443 :: Fahrenheit 0-100

The Fahrenheit scale DOES make sense! Just don't add water.

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Hosted by Bill_MI on Wednesday, 2014-02-12 is flagged as Clean and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
temperature scale, Fahrenheit, Celsius, centigrade, Kelvin, Rankine. (Be the first).

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format. Play now:

Duration: 00:17:13
Download the transcription and subtitles.


The Fahrenheit scale DOES make sense! Just don't add water.

Comparing temperature points:
  ºC      ºF     ºK       ºR
-273    -460      0        0  Absolute zero
 -40     -40    233      420  C = F
 -18       0    255      460  Coldest of the year?
   0      32    273      492  Water freezes
  10      50    283      510  Spring or Fall day?
  23      73.4  296      533  Better room temp
  25      77    298      537  Room temp
  37      98.6  310      558  Human body temp
  38     100    311      580  Hottest of the year?
  85     185    358      645  This one sticks with me
 100     212    373      672  Water Boils
 125     257    398      717  Maximum silicon chip
 371     700    644     1160  Soldering iron tip

The scales and the people:


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