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hpr1428 :: Coffee Stain Studios and the Sanctum games

Will #Sanctum2 come to #Linux? Hear @ArminPosts' answer in the latest #HPR!

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Thumbnail of Seetee
Hosted by Seetee on Wednesday, 2014-01-22 is flagged as Clean and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
dreamhack, coffee stain studios, sanctum, games, indie, interview. 1.

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Duration: 00:12:37
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Do you know the Sanctum games? You should! Listen to Armin from Coffee Stain Studios on todays episode of Hacker Public Radio!

"We're actually working on Linux support. *pause* I don't know if I'm supposed to say that."
-- Armin

Coffee Stain Studios

In 2010 a few students from the University of Skövde created the Indie game developing company "Coffee Stain Studios". In 2011 they released the game "Sanctum" on Steam, and in May of 2013 they released "Sanctum 2". These games are most often described as a mix between First-person shooter and Tower defense. You find yourself in a futuristic setting, fighting aliens with a fair bit of humor. The player chooses how much resources to distribute on automatic towers or his or her own weapons. Both games featured the possibility to collaborate with your friends to beat the levels.

One of the founders, Armin Ibrisagic, was at DreamHack in November 2013, where I got a chance to talk to him.


"What is DreamHack?" you ask? Only the world's largest computer festival, held multiple times a year in Jönköping, Sweden. According to Wikipedia "It holds the world record (as recognized by the Guinness Book of Records and Twin Galaxies) for the world's largest LAN party and computer festival, and has held the record for the world's fastest Internet connection, and the record in most generated traffic."

I also got an interview with one of the organizers of DreamHack, but that you will hear another day. Today we focus on Sanctum, and how the market looks for smaller game developers.

Stuff referenced in the episode

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Comment #1 posted on 2014-04-15 11:26:23 by Seetee

Linux version

In Steam you can now choose to install the Beta-version of Sanctum 2 to try it out. Works really well!

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