hpr1426 :: A Visit to Reglue
Reglue gives free Linux computers to under privileged children and their families
Hosted by David Whitman on Monday, 2014-01-20 is flagged as Explicit and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
Linux, BBQ, Ken Starks, Taylor Texas, Helios Project, yummy.
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Duration: 00:16:11
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Recycled Electronics and Gnu/Linux Used for Education. Reglue, in a nutshell, gives free Linux computers to under privileged children and their families. From their website:
According to our estimates and those of the Austin Independent School District, there are over 5000 Austin students who cannot afford a computer or Internet access. Reglue wants to reduce that number by as much as we can. Since 2005 we have provided 1102 disadvantaged Austin-area kids and their families a computer. These kids cannot grow and compete with their peers unless they have a computer and Reglue focuses on giving these kids the tools they need.
To find out more about Ken Starks - Find him on Google+
Ken's Blog https://linuxlock.blogspot.com/2009/08/let-their-eyes-be-opened.html