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hpr1392 :: Beginner's guide to the night sky

A personal view of the Universe, as viewed from Earth, by a geeky chap.

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Thumbnail of Andrew Conway
Hosted by Andrew Conway on Tuesday, 2013-12-03 is flagged as Clean and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
astronomy, Moon Illusion, constellation, mythology, astrology. 1.

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Duration: 00:17:35
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This is a personal view of the Universe, as viewed from the Earth in the early 21st Century, by a somewhat geeky chap. In this episode, I talk a little about my first memories of looking at the night sky and how the modern science of astronomy has its roots in ancient mythology, and how the sky provided a picture book for humanity before we even did our first cave painting.



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Comment #1 posted on 2013-12-19 12:56:21 by pokey

Thank you

I never look up, but last night I listened to your episode on my way home from work. You inspired me to up and see if I could locate the moon. It was just about sunset, and the only thing that I could see was one absurdly bright point in an otherwise gray sky. My first thought was "Oh, that must be the north star," since that's usually the first one to show up. But then I realizes that I was looking South (roughly), and the sky was brightest where the light was coming from, so it probably couldn't be a star. Right about the time that I was wondering if it could have been a satellite, you began to talk about the inner planets being visible, and appearing near the sun. From your descriptions I guessed that it must be Venus. I even got my binoculars (well, monocular, since a lens fell out) out and had a look that way. A quick search this morning verified that it was probably Venus. It was fun, and you inspired it, so thank you. I can't wait for the next installment.

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