hpr1350 :: The Origin of ONICS (My Intro)
The Open Network Inspection Command Suite (ONICS)
Hosted by Gabriel Evenfire on Friday, 2013-10-04 is flagged as Clean and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
command line, networking.
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Duration: 00:52:17
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This show is about the Open Network Inspection Command Suite (ONICS). It is a project I have been working on at home for a couple of years now. The idea is to create a set of command line tools that work like cat, sed, awk, grep, etc but for network packets instead of lines of text. This podcast is actually less about the tools and more about the process that I went through to build it. So its more a tale of the project that was never done than an explanation of how to use the tools.
Contact info:
- Gabriel Evenfire email: evenfire@sdf.org
- ONICS Gitorious Page: https://gitorious.org/onics
- ONICS Wiki Page: https://gitorious.org/onics/pages/Home
Quick Start Guide for Building ONICS
- git clone git://gitorious.org/catlib/catlib.git catlib
- git clone git://gitorious.org/onics/onics.git onics
- cd catlib/src
- make
- cd ../../onics
- make
- sudo make install # (optional)
The microphone I ended up jury rigging to record this: