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hpr1323 :: HPR Community News For July 2013

HPR Community News For July 2013

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Thumbnail of HPR Volunteers
Hosted by HPR Volunteers on Wednesday, 2013-08-28 is flagged as Explicit and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
Community News. (Be the first).

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format. Play now:

Duration: 01:04:21
Download the transcription and subtitles.

HPR Community News.

A monthly look at what has been going on in the HPR community. This is a regular show scheduled for the first Monday of the month.

New hosts

Welcome to our new hosts: Alek Grigorian, Accipiter, Shane Shennan, Bob Tregilus, Curtis Adkins (CPrompt^), and jrobb.

Show Updates

id title host
1282 My Homemade Recumbent Bicycle Jon Kulp
1283 Ken gets to talk with Ambjorn about politics Ken Fallon
1284 Blather Speech Recognition for Linux: Interview with Jezra Jon Kulp
1285 LibreOffice 06 Writer Creating a Paragraph Style LibreOffice Ahuka
1286 iCalendar Hacking Dave Morriss
1287 HPR Community News For June 2013 HPR Admins
1288 Nido Media gets Ken to go camping at OHM2013 Ken Fallon
1289 Short Xen Update From JWP JWP
1290 MultiSystem: The Bootable Thumb Drive Creator FiftyOneFifty
1291 Parsing an ISO8601 formatted duration field with Perl Dave Morriss
1292 Doomsday Remainders Charles in NJ
1293 A Week of Freedom Christopher M. Hobbs
1294 Causes of Schizophrenia, neurochemical theory sigflup
1295 LibreOffice 07 Writer Heading Styles Ahuka
1296 Intro to camp fires pokey
1297 Mobile Hackspace (whats in my bag) NYbill
1298 Recording for HPR using Audacity Nido Media
1299 What’s in my Bag Jon Kulp
1300 Maker Faire: Kansas City MrGadgets
1301 Conversation with Nybill and Jon Kulp Jon Kulp
1302 How I Got to Linux Accipiter
1303 A Music Pairing Under Unlikely Circumstances Dave Morriss
1304 Jon Kulp and His Son Talk Hacking Jon Kulp
1305 LibreOffice 08 Writer Tab Styles Ahuka

On the Mailing List

  • Community driven scheduling system is now active.
  • Open Sourcing Mental Illness
  • Low on Shows
    • backup queue is visible on the calendar page
    • we should *not* have any backup shows
  • Interview Icelandic Parliamentarian Birgitta Jónsdòttir
    • "We will continue to promote new podcasts and other creative commons material but due to a lack of slots, we are only releasing material created exclusively for HPR. If there is a piece of creative commons content that you would like to promote, then feel free to record a regular show where you introduce the content and explain why it is important, providing links to where we can get more information."
  • HPR missing from Google
  • FTP Quota issues
  • HPR Joint Fourth Top Linux Podcast
  • LUG Presentation
  • Sonar Project donators "Those kind people who donated to the sonar project your laptop stickers are in and they are awesome. Please send me your postal address off list and I will send you a sheet of six stickers."
  • Owe me a show list.
  • OggCamp 2013
  • WARNING !! Update to the RSS feed
  • HPR1300 posted


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