hpr1320 :: How I got into Linux
jrobb gives a short show about how he got into Linux and programming
Hosted by jrobb on Friday, 2013-08-23 is flagged as Explicit and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
Pascal, RedHat, Ubuntu, Arch, Debian, PHP, MySQL.
(Be the first).
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Duration: 00:06:54
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How I got into tech.
Started by monsterb, this series invites people to share with us how they found Linux. It has become traditional for first time hosts to share with us their journey to Linux. Indeed it has morphed to be way to share your journey in tech right up to your first contribution to HPR.
This is my first HPR, first ever podcast, and first ever attempt at editing any audio. Don't expect greatness. The banging in the background is my daughter playing with something. I give a very quick rundown of my introduction to Linux, programming, and tech in general. This is a pretty short show.
I forgot to mention that early on in high school or middle school I enjoyed playing with DOS on an old 386 and that is probably what got my interest and led me to enroll in the High School computer science class that I mention. I didn't really have anything planned to talk about, I should probably do that next time.