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hpr1308 :: Helping a New Computer User

Skills for new computer users

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Thumbnail of Shane Shennan
Hosted by Shane Shennan on Wednesday, 2013-08-07 is flagged as Clean and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
computer skills, hardware, operating system, file management, text entry. 2.

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format. Play now:

Duration: 00:19:12
Download the transcription and subtitles.


Here is a list of the skills I teach new computer users:

A) Hardware:
1) Monitor and Tower
---Turning on the computer
2) Keyboard and Mouse
---Learning when to use the right mouse button, 
left button, and scroll wheel
---Seeing non-alphabetic keys
3) Printers and other Peripherals
---Understating the usefulness of printers, scanners, 
flash drives, etc.

B) Operating System:
1) Icons on the Desktop
---Moving, adding, and removing icons
2) Opening Applications
---Using the Start Menu to find applications
3) Managing and Resizing Windows
---Using the window controls to maximize, minimize, 
restore up, and close windows

C) File Management:
1) Creating a New Folder and Subfolders
2) Selecting Specific Files
---Single-click method
---Ctrl method
---Shift method
---Drawing-box-around-files method
---Ctrl + A method
3) Moving Files
---Drag & Drop
---Copy & Paste

D) Text Entry:
1) Using a simple notepad
---Entering and Saving Text
---Using the File Menu
2) Using a Word Processor
---Formatting text
---Using toolbars


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Comment #1 posted on 2018-10-08 12:01:41 by Gort

Computer Intro Outline

This is a fine beginners list. It hits all the "big pieces" of the tools set and forms a solid foundation for continued learning. This is neat, succinct, and is an outstanding resource. Thanks for putting this together.

Comment #2 posted on 2018-10-12 18:35:10 by Shane Shennan

Thanks, Gort!

Thank you for your comment! I'm glad that this episode still makes sense over five years after it was recorded.

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