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hpr1287 :: HPR Community News For June 2013

HPR Community News For June 2013

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Thumbnail of HPR Volunteers
Hosted by HPR Volunteers on Tuesday, 2013-07-09 is flagged as Explicit and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
Community News. 2.

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format. Play now:

Duration: 01:27:03
Download the transcription and subtitles.

HPR Community News.

A monthly look at what has been going on in the HPR community. This is a regular show scheduled for the first Monday of the month.

New hosts

Welcome to our new host: Alek Grigorian.

id title host
1261 Community News for May 2013 HPR Admins
1262 LiTS 031: who Dann
1263 3G Tunnels (Sshuttle) NYbill
1264 Open Accessibility: Interview with Steve Lee Ken Fallon
1265 Mitigating SQL Injection And Other Message Protocol Attacks Through Compiler Signatures sigflup
1266 TGTM Newscast for 2013-06-06  by Dann Washko and DeepGeek Tgtm News Team
1267 LibreOffice 04 Writer Style Properties 1 Ahuka
1268 Whats in my bag David Whitman
1269 Frank Bell Achieves Enlightenment Adventures with E17 Pt Two Frank Bell
1270 Fathers Day Special: Jon Kulp interviews his Dad Jon Kulp
1271 Out of style or retro chique. Knightwise
1272 Open Badges? klaatu
1273 LiTS 032: cat Dann
1274 Nathan Dumont on Open Source Hardware Ken Fallon
1275 LibreOffice 05 Writer Style Properties 2 Ahuka
1276 Two Hacker Public Radio hosts meet face-to-face for the first time Jon Kulp
1277 Icecast 102 klaatu
1278 OggCamp11: Interview with Marie Assen from Flatter Ken Fallon
1279 Russ Pavlicek on Xen Project Alek Grigorian
1280 Homemade Antennas for OTA Hi-Def TV Jon Kulp
1281 Samsung Ativ Premiere Knightwise

Website updates

There have been many small changes to the back end to allow first in first out scheduling.


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Comment #1 posted on 2013-07-13 02:25:01 by Erm

Have you heard of bitlove?

You guys were talking about using bittorrent sync to transfer episodes. offers a service that automatically creates .torrent files with webseeds for podcast rss feeds.

I use it on my site and it has a js script that works with wordpress that will create button/link to download the .torrent file. As I recall they had an API that could be used to create your own if not.

If you need a php script that has download resume capabilities with a bandwidth limiter I have one of those. Just email me and let me know. I'll send it to you.

Also I think bittorrent sync recently added versioning with 1.1.27 (but their faq isn't updated so I might be mistaken I seem to remember it in the release notes, but I can't seem to find them on the site.)

Comment #2 posted on 2013-07-14 21:39:17 by Epicanis

I really like the updates!

The changes to the hacker public radio website are going great, in my opinion, as is the new scheduling system.

As self-appointed Minister of Opus Codec Advocacy, if you can't justify adding a fourth feed, I'd suggest polling the speex users (perhaps prepend a short recorded message to the .spx feed episodes for a while?) to find out if any of them can NOT handle .opus as well. (Opus' support is already more widespread than speex's is.) If there are no objections, I would suggest replacing the ~28kbps .spx feed with opus encoded at "--bitrate 20". This looks like it should be roughly a high enough bitrate that speech quality should be outstanding, while leaving enough bitrate for the possibility for the opus encoder to switch to MDCT mode ("CELT") when it detects non-speech sounds occasionally.

The quality should remain the same or probably even better, while reducing the file downloads by an average of around 25%-30% more beyond what speex already gets it down to.

Also too, sorry for missing the show recording. We're starting to hit our "busy season" here.

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