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hpr1284 :: Blather Speech Recognition for Linux: Interview with Jezra

Jon Kulp interviews Jezra about speech recognition with Blather

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Thumbnail of Jon Kulp
Hosted by Jon Kulp on Thursday, 2013-07-04 is flagged as Clean and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
accessibility, Speech Recognition, Speech Recognition In Linux, bash scripting, GNU/Linux (Operating System), sphinx, pocketsphinx. 2.

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format. Play now:

Duration: 00:40:50
Download the transcription and subtitles.


HPR Correspondents bring you Interviews from interesting people and projects

A conversation with Jezra, sometime HPR host and the lead developer of the Blather speech recognition program for Linux.



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Comment #1 posted on 2014-06-16 22:07:14 by ash


I am looking for a program that can write the words I say to text and read out the text I have written. For now I Orcra from gimp and using debian as the operating system. Would hear whether you can use blather about this?

About the installation of blather.

And I get this

**Error**: You must have `autoconf' installed to.
Download the appropriate package for your distribution,
or get the source tarball at

**Error**: You must have `libtool' installed.
(or a newer version if it is available)

**Error**: You must have `automake' installed.
(or a newer version if it is available)
cp: kan ikke udføre stat() på './src/gst-plugin/.libs/': Ingen sådan fil eller filkatalog
root@Stationer:/home/root/pocketsphinx-0.8# get_blather
bash: git: command not found
root@Stationer:/home/root# conf
cp: kan ikke udføre stat() på '/home/root/blather/commands.tmp': Ingen sådan fil eller filkatalog
bash: /home/root/bin/ Ingen sådan fil eller filkatalog
chmod: kan ikke tilgå '/home/root/bin/': Ingen sådan fil eller filkatalog

Greetings from Ash

Comment #2 posted on 2014-07-07 10:57:32 by Jon Kulp

Help for Ash

Hi Ash,

sorry for the delay in responding but I only just now heard that there was a comment on this episode. It looks from the error message as if you need to install the "build-essential" package and also the "gnome-common" package (for autoconf). That's not to say that blather will necessarily do what you need it to do (it can't do dictation) but this should help you get past those error messages at least.

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