hpr1266 :: TGTM Newscast for 2013-06-06 by Dann Washko and DeepGeek
A newscast from Talk Geek to Me
Hosted by Tgtm News Team on Monday, 2013-06-10 is flagged as Explicit and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
newscast, TGTM.
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Talk Geek to me News.
Here is a news review:
- Lawsuit Claims U.S. Muslim Tortured at Behest of FBI, State Dept.
- Bradley Manning Accused Of Aiding [Classified Enemy]
- Campaigns begin for fast-food employees, all Tacoma workers
- Deafening Silence (abuse of sex workers in China)
- Despite Horrific Repression, the U.S. Should Stay Out of Syria
- Computer Hacker Jeremy Hammond Pleads Guilty in Stratfor Case
- Pirate Bay Founder Denies Hacking Charges in Court
- FBI Must Return Kim Dotcom’s Illegally Seized Property
- EFF Launches Full-Court Press To Bust Podcasting Patent
- NSA Hacking Unit Targets Computers Worldwide
Other Headlines:
- Is the Life and Health of a Young, Rural Woman of Any Value in El Salvador?
- Official Story has Odd Wrinkles: A Pack of Questions about the Boston Bombing Backpacks
- Walmart Protest Movement Grows As Workers Strike Again
- New Film Reveals Critical Havana Housing Conditions
- Berlin company specializes in autistic IT experts
Staffed and produced by the TGTM news team, Editorial Selection by DeepGeek, views of the story authors reflect their own opinions and not necessarily those of TGTM news.
News from "techdirt.com," "thestand.org," and "maggiemcneill.wordpress.com" used under arranged permission.
News from "cair.com" is a press release.
News from "torrentfreak.com," "sacis.org.za/fpif.org," and "eff.org" used under permission of the Creative Commons by-attribution license.
News from "democracynow.org" used under permission of the Creative Commons
by-attribution non-commercial no-derivatives license.
News Sources retain their respective copyrights.
- https://cair.com/press-center/press-releases/11920-lawsuit-claims-u-s-muslim-tortured-at-behest-of-fbi-state-dept.html
- https://www.techdirt.com/articles/20130531/02593523270/bradley-manning-accused-aiding-classified-enemy.shtml
- https://www.thestand.org/2013/05/righteous-campaigns-for-fast-food-employees-all-workers-in-tacoma/
- https://maggiemcneill.wordpress.com/2013/05/27/deafening-silence/
- https://sacsis.org.za/site/article/1665
- https://www.democracynow.org/2013/5/29/headlines#5293
- https://torrentfreak.com/pirate-bay-founder-denies-hacking-charges-in-court-130528/
- https://torrentfreak.com/fbi-must-return-kim-dotcoms-illegally-seized-property-130531/
- https://www.eff.org/press/releases/eff-launches-full-court-press-bust-podcasting-patent
- https://www.democracynow.org/2013/5/30/headlines#53011
- https://rhrealitycheck.org/article/2013/05/31/is-the-life-and-health-of-a-young-rural-woman-of-any-value-in-el-salvador/
- https://whowhatwhy.com/2013/05/20/official-story-has-odd-wrinkles-a-pack-of-questions-about-the-boston-bombing-backpacks/
- https://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/05/29/walmart-protest-movement_n_3354735.html
- https://www.havanatimes.org/?p=93982
- https://www.rawstory.com/rs/2013/06/02/berlin-company-specialises-in-autistic-it-experts/