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hpr1259 :: Cyanide Cupcake and Klaatu

Using Scratch in teaching

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Hosted by Klaatu on Thursday, 2013-05-30 is flagged as Clean and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
programming, scratch, video games, mit. 4.

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Duration: 00:20:20
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Cyanide Cupcake talks to Klaatu about the Scratch programming language.



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Comment #1 posted on 2013-05-31 23:45:52 by davidWHITMAN


Ms. Cupcake,
Mr. Klaatu,
Is the scratch project coded in perl?

And if it is will you be appearing on FLOSS Weekly? (snicker)

A very good show. Thank you.

Comment #2 posted on 2013-06-04 09:08:55 by kdmurray

Scratch - Great Resource

Since being introduced to Scratch on your HPR episode I've played around with it a few times. I can't wait until my little one gets a bit older so I can start sharing things like this!

Great job. Hope you two do another show in the future!

Comment #3 posted on 2013-06-04 18:36:59 by Navigium

Scratch 2

Listened to this today. I was a bit irritated that you both seemed very excited about Scratch 2. Scratch 1 is based on open technology. Scratch 2 is based on the proprietary Flash platform and won't run as well on Linux platforms and I guess I will never be able to upgrade Scratch on my OpenBSD system. So to me this is not something to be excited about but the reason to hope that one of the upcoming HTML5 based alternatives soon will replace Scratch.

Comment #4 posted on 2013-06-16 20:55:45 by doubi

@davidWHITMAN, nope, as Klaatu mentioned in the show, Scratch is programmed in Squeak, not Perl.

Thanks for the show guys, have shared it with my non-techie educator friends, will be interested to hear what they make of it.

Cyanide Cupcake, I didn't quite understand the part where you were talking about talking to other teachers who were worried that they hadn't been taught programming themselves. I think you used the example of English teachers. Were they curious about incorporating Scratch into their English lessons, or did they happen to have to teach I.T. sometimes as well in their schools?

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