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hpr1239 :: HPR Saturday Sessions: What is hacking?

Saturday Sessions, Hackers, Hacking, Culture, Media

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Thumbnail of Nido Media
Hosted by Nido Media on Thursday, 2013-05-02 is flagged as Explicit and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
Saturday Sessions, Hackers, Hacking, Culture, Media. 3.

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format. Play now:

Duration: 01:49:40
Download the transcription and subtitles.


Nido is joined by dude-man, Epicanis, and artv61 to discuss how one could or should define "Hacker" and "Hacking", particularly in reference to the "Hackers" that Hacker Public Radio episodes are intended to be "of interest to". Unfortunately, all participants seemed to be largely in agreement with each other, so there isn't enough contention to make the discussion dramatic. Listeners may find the discussion insightful anyway, and we do come up with some suggestions and ultimately encourage everyone to be a lot more public about using the words "hacker" and "hacking" as much as possible outside the context of criminal and computer-programming activity until outdated dictionaries finally update their definitions.

Although Nido deserves the credit for Saturday Sessions, recording, cleanup, and editing of today's session was done by Epicanis, so if the sound sucks it's all his fault and not Nido's. Same goes for these show notes.

The XKCD comic that was mentioned may be found here:


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Comment #1 posted on 2013-05-05 18:56:48 by dodddummy

Doing is an essential part of the definition

I disagree with the gentleman who kept saying that the search for knowledge is all that's needed. A hacker needs to apply the knowledge.

Comment #2 posted on 2013-05-07 02:51:13 by Epicanis

I agree, dodddummy

I think curiousity is a necessary component of any good hacker (or rather, I don't think someone could become a good hacker without having a decent amount of curiousity), but to me it's the USES of the aquired knowledge that make the difference between mere learning and "hacking".

Comment #3 posted on 2013-05-21 12:08:11 by ClaudioM

On "music..."

Seems as though the topic of whether music would be something of interest to hackers as well as what is considered music has inspired me to make a rebuttal episode for HPR. Be on the lookout for it... ;-)

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