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hpr1236 :: Lament For httpd

Moving away from the thttpd web server

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Hosted by deepgeek on Monday, 2013-04-29 is flagged as Explicit and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
web server, thttpd. 3.

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Duration: 00:07:08
Download the transcription and subtitles.


DeepGeek gets all emotional about changing web servers at his web co-op. "Hell, it's just a tool." Not for DeepGeek, who equates moving away from thttpd to the closing of an era! To him, "slick design" can take a backseat to feelings of camaraderie from your fellows on the intwebz any day of the week!

A few well-placed links...


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Comment #1 posted on 2013-04-29 08:04:11 by gws

I thought it was pronounced "thttpd"

Like Bill The Cat said it, instead of spelling it out.

Long live thttpd!

Comment #2 posted on 2013-04-29 23:25:49 by klaatu


Yeah somewhere the title of this ep must have gotten mangled; he's speaking of course about thttpd.

Anyway, IMHO, hiawatha and nginx are great servers and thttpd, however simple and lightweight, never did get my UTF8 encoding right. (either that, or it was user a definite possibility)

Comment #3 posted on 2013-05-03 16:24:13 by Epicanis

Slightly disappointed this show didn't go longer

Seeing the link to the Hiawatha web server, I was kind of hoping the episode would talk a little about it...

(It's nice in general to hear about not-Apache webservers for a change. We've long since moved on past the idea that email necessarily means "Sendmail", but the internet in general seems to have trouble moving beyond "www means Apache").

Cherokee is a good alternative as well, though they've been way too slack about making real releases out of their updates over the last year or so.

Still a good episode, and although I've never used thttpd myself, I agree with the general sentiment expressed wholeheartedly!

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