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hpr1220 :: Cinnarch 64 bit, Installation Review

Cinnarch, an Arch-based distro running Cinnamon

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Thumbnail of FiftyOneFifty (R.I.P.)
Hosted by FiftyOneFifty (R.I.P.) on Friday, 2013-04-05 is flagged as Explicit and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
Cinnarch. 1.

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Duration: 00:31:38
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Howdy folks, this is FiftyOneFifty, and today I wanted to talk about my experiences installing the 64 bit version of Cinnarch net edition on a dual core notebook. Cinnarch of course is a relatively new Arch based distro running the Cinnamon fork of Gnome. I had previously installed Arch proper on this notebook, but when I rebooted to the hard drive, I lost the Ethernet connection. This is not uncommon, but there the notebook sat while until I had time to work the problem. I wanted to start using the notebook, and I'd heard good things about Cinnarch, so it seemed like a simple solution. I went into knowing Cinnarch was in alpha, so i shouldn't have been surprised when an update broke the system less then a week after the install, but that comes later in my story.

Complete show notes are available here:


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Comment #1 posted on 2013-04-08 15:29:52 by Arold

Nice subject

Hello FiftyOneFifty,

I really liked this episode! Also, the greater subject of Arch and Arch based distro is very interesting to me right now.

You may have notice that Cinnarch just got a new version out (2013.04.05) in which the graphical installer is available. So, it may be worth a second look.

On another hand, Manjaro is a great distribution. I highly encourage you to take a look at it. It is more mature than Cinnarch and look just as gorgeous. The XFCE spin seems to be a bit more polish than the Cinnamon spin, but they are both really nice.

Finally, I can't wait to hear your episode entitled "I have install Arch, now what?". I have lots of interrogations regarding the use of Arch, particularly on the subject of how I should manage the AUR... Should I use a AUR helper or do everything by hand? If I want to use an helper which one should I use? If I want to do everything by hand, how do I search the AUR from the command line? Is there a better way than elinks?



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