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hpr1197 :: What I do with bash scripts

Some personal anecdotes on writing Bash scripts

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Thumbnail of Jon Kulp
Hosted by Jon Kulp on Tuesday, 2013-03-05 is flagged as Explicit and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
Bash, scripting. 6.

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Duration: 00:27:18
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Bash Scripting.

This is an open series in which Hacker Public Radio Listeners can share their Bash scripting knowledge and experience with the community. General programming topics and Bash commands are explored along with some tutorials for the complete novice.

In this episode I talk about the way I use shell scripting on a day-to-day basis. I am not employed in a technical field, so the fact that I use shell scripts at all surprises most people. I am just a music history professor with an enthusiasm for Linux and free software. Although I have dabbled a bit with Python, I don't feel nearly as comfortable with Python as I do with bash, so all of the scripts I mention in this episode are written for bash.

Here are links to blog posts about some of the scripts mentioned in the show.


Cowsay stuff:

"stick" scp script:



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Comment #1 posted on 2013-03-05 21:58:06 by klaatu

cool stuff

Wow, that's some amazing stuff. I like the markdown2latex a lot! I'd love to hear more from you on HPR about how/if Linux plays into your "day job" and what you use as a music hist professor

Comment #2 posted on 2013-03-06 17:26:15 by Ken Fallon

Welcome Welcome

Hi Jon,

Great episode and great topic. I could listen to shows on scripts all day !.

One thing though is that the stick script could also be done using youe ~/.ssh/config file. See


Comment #3 posted on 2013-03-07 21:56:59 by Frank

Thank you

I want to learn more about bash, and just doing stuff because it's in a tutorial doesn't excite me. I have been looking for some ideas for scripts to write for myself to help motivate me to learn, and you gave me some good ones.

By the way, you are not the only person who grapples with selecting a topic for a podcast. Don't feel alone in that.

Comment #4 posted on 2013-03-21 16:00:59 by Bradley


Ken beat me to it, but you can alias SSH hosts, specify keys, usernames, ports, almost any command line parameters using the ~/.ssh/config file. See man ssh_config for details.

I use it with some password-less ssh keys to allow me to move about my ssh hosts seamlessly. Not too safe I know..

I've also found it useful to add port forwarding to make an ssh proxy to my home network. All to evade my company's decency filters when necessary.. I mean to proxy from an insecure location.

Thanks for the interesting podcast.

Comment #5 posted on 2013-03-21 20:48:02 by Urugami

Great Episode

Jon, thanks for the great script ideas. Between your scripts and ones that were linked in links and links, etc, I may be able to tweak a few of my own.

Comment #6 posted on 2013-09-27 22:07:00 by Dangerseeker

LaTeX and UTF8


I really liked this episode, because it showed how to use the power of bash to simply make your life easier.

And I am happy to inform you that LaTeX handles UTF8 characters just fine, I use them every day. ;-)

Just import the package "inputenc" with the option "utf8" and it should work like magic:


Thank You for the entertaining podcast


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