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hpr1187 :: I live in GNU/Emacs

A journey through the many capabilities of GNU/Emacs

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Hosted by garjola on Tuesday, 2013-02-19 is flagged as Explicit and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
GNU/Emacs, orgmode, Gnus, w3m, Conkeror. 2.

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format. Play now:

Duration: 00:11:29
Download the transcription and subtitles.


I live in GNU/Emacs

1 Emacs on HPR 
Klaatu's 3 part series
- ep0852
- ep0856
- ep0861

2 EmacsWiki 
- Ultimate source of information for GNU/Emacs
- []

3 Appearance 
- no menus nor scroll bars
- black background on a tiling window, full screen (no decorations)
  - people often think that I am on the console (no X)

4 Daemon 
- []
- so that clients can connect (org protocol)
- use the same emacs from the consoles
  - if x crashes, for instance

5 Editing code 
- c++
- with repls
  - lisp/scheme/clojure/elisp (slime and geiser)
  - python
  - octave
- compilation
- latex

6 Org 
- []
- Note taking
- GTD, agenda, spreadsheet
- Reports, papers, slides, blog
- export to mobile org

7 Gnus 
- []
- Mails
- RSS and mailing lists via gwene
- store links into and open from org-mode

8 w3m 
- []
- search and more and more navigation

9 Conkeror (in/out) 
- []
- only when javascript is required
- org protocol for vzpturing links
- org open link to open pages

10 ERC for IRC 
- []

11 Small utilities 
- Info reader
  - []
- Calendar
  - []
- Scratch buffer as calculator
  - Evaluating expressions
  - []
- Dired
  - []
- Docview
  - []
- Version control
  - []


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Comment #1 posted on 2013-02-20 14:37:44 by klaatu

Emacs as a daemon whut!?

Oh my gosh, that is brilliant. I am going to start doing that right now! Thank you so much for the tip!

Comment #2 posted on 2013-02-21 16:29:14 by Garjola

Emacs daemon, yes but ...

Just one thing. I like running emacs as a daemon, but it may not always be convenient, since emacs is not multi-threaded. Therefore, you will have several frames using the same emacs process, and this is not what you want if one of you emacs applications (org-mode, gnus, etc.) are going to do CPU intensive stuff!

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