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hpr1150 :: Hacking Karma And Reincarnation With The Forgiveness Discipline

DeepGeek shares his first speech concerned with Mysticism

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Hosted by deepgeek on Friday, 2012-12-28 is flagged as Explicit and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
mysticism. (Be the first).

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format. Play now:

Duration: 00:38:51
Download the transcription and subtitles.


I recently ran an educational event for a society concerned with Mysticism 
and as such, gave the first speech. I recorded it "on the fly," so there 
are problems with the recording, and I had to cut a few comments that 
were too soft to be picked up at all by my head-mounted microphone. 

What follows is the script I wrote for the first three-quarters of the 


The first thing to understand is that we are not really discussing the 
traditional idea of forgiveness.  We are talking about a whole new 
ballgame. This really is not your parents idea of forgiveness.  Let's 
have an example of old-school forgiveness.

"Well, you really did it. This is a real, and a really bad, situation, 
and it happens to be your fault. But I'm going to forgive you for what 
you did. You don't deserve this, but I'm just so much more perfect than you, 
I'm going to do this anyway. Because I have Jesus. By the way, you don't.
And you will always be screwing up. You could stop screwing up, but 
you wont. Because your not as great a person as I am. You could begin 
to agree with me about everything, but you won't. You could even 
believe every last thing I believe. But you won't. So, unlike me, 
there is no hope of you going to heaven. I will, but you wont. And 
I might not look sad about this, but I really do feel sorry for you."

For the remainder of the presentation please see


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