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hpr1114 :: DudmanoviPodcast Episode 7 - A geeks Journey to nature

DudeMan's Journey, part 7

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Hosted by Various Creative Commons Works on Thursday, 2012-11-08 is flagged as Explicit and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
Dudmanovi podcast. 4.

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format. Play now:

Duration: 01:01:40
Download the transcription and subtitles.

Syndicated Thursdays.

A chance to showcase other Creative Commons works. We try to expose podcasts, speeches, presentations, music, etc that you may not have heard. If you have suggestions for items then send your recommendation to admin at hpr and we'll add it to the queue.


10 years compressed into perhaps an hour, how an English computer programmer ended up owning cows/horses/pigs/chickens and speaking Czech ? And after all this time, is still into tech, but is perhaps a little more discerning. What started it all Free-And-Opensource, YES


  • Got locked out of wordpress blog,
  • Still waiting for the new cow, hasn’t been delivered yet.
  • Work continues to fix the house, been making some brick arches in an old chimney, first one fell down, but I rushed removing the support and then poked it to much at the edge, 2nd one looks good :)
  • Wife had a bit of a panic this week, for 10 seconds
  • The Guinea pig is hard to catch, Mr’s BB, we’ll catch him.
  • Understanding derived distros Debian and Ubuntu and its derivatives, wishing to make an informed choice.

Links mentioned

The place I stayed at for 4/6 months and had a great experience, learnt alot

Healthy food, as ever at Forums posts on my thoughts,trying to understand distros


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Comment #1 posted on 2012-11-10 12:05:44 by Ken Fallon

Part 2 !!!

Hi dude-man

What a fantastic story. I love hearing about this type of stuff and am inclined to agree with you about the farming. Although as a child growing up on a farm, I couldn't wait to get away from it. Now my wife has convinced me that slow food is the way to go.

Please consider doing some HPR shows on this topic.


Why hasn't the admin put a link to your website and the podcast rss feed.

@admin -at- hpr

Comment #2 posted on 2012-11-13 13:35:49 by pokey


I was torn up that you left it at such a cliff hangar (well done and good on ya'). Now I'll have to go subscribe to hear the end of your story. Great episode.

Comment #3 posted on 2012-11-13 18:31:45 by AukonDK


Enjoyed this a lot, great to hear the story of a fellow ex-pat living in Europe. Will have to find time to listen to the back catalog.

Comment #4 posted on 2012-12-05 21:42:53 by Jill

Thank you


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