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hpr1108 :: What's In my Bag?

We examine the contents of Mike's bag

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Thumbnail of Mike Hingley
Hosted by Mike Hingley on Wednesday, 2012-10-31 is flagged as Explicit and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
backpack, Acer Aspire, Kindle, iPod, Rockbox. 1.

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format. Play now:

Duration: 00:09:00
Download the transcription and subtitles.

What's in My Toolkit.

This is an open series where Hacker Public Radio Listeners can share with the community the items that they can't live without, what they find useful in day to day life.

Kit Description
My Backpack
My Backpack
My Backpack - note the HPR Badge - this is the bag I take to work every day.

My Acer Aspire netbook
This is a refurbed type unit I got from the Acer Direct.
My Kindle 2
My Kindle 2
This kindle was a birthday present from Rachel, last year. She knows me so well :)Its loaded with a load of ebooks from the great folks at O'reilly.The case for this was from Tesco
My Car-pod ipod
My Car-pod ipod
When I upgraded cars the biggest disappointment for me was that going from a Kia Cee'd , where I could plug in USB keys with pod-casts on - I now no longer had a USB port in my SEAT. Rachel bought this for me from CEX. I've replaced the firmware with rockbox.
My newest iPod
My newest iPod
My newest iPod - this used to belong to my Rachel, but the screen has started to go - She looked at getting it repaired - pricey as it is out of the warranty period - so she got herself a new one (cue a long process of me transferring her songs to the new iPod :() and I acquired her old one. I have replaced the Apple firmware with rockbox, and it works great under Linux.
My 2GB USB Key
My 2GB USB Key
This key contains nothing (at the moment) apart from a design for a leaving cake (Keep calm and Google it) and a file called ldlinux.sys, left over from the previous contents. Google cake
Google cake

My Conference Folio
This is a pleather folio I picked up ages ago from I know now where - probably before Opal Telecoms was bought by TalkTalk. Currently the old web address ( seems to redirect to which seems to redirect to TalkTalk, only it actually doesn't work.
My Folio Contents
I keep an Oxford pad (i like the paper) in here.
I keep an Oxford pad (i like the paper) in here.
My Microsoft mouse was missing from my bag, as I had been using it with my Raspberry Pi - but it's like this. 


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Comment #1 posted on 2012-11-04 02:52:06 by AukonDK


Nice little ep. I'm a Rockbox fan myself and it served me well before I got an android phone.

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