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hpr1074 :: OGG Camp 11. Post-event Commentary with Alan Pope

Interview with Alan Pope

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Hosted by Robin Catling on 2012-09-13 is flagged as Explicit and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
interview, oggcamp, oggcamp11. (Be the first).
The show is available on the Internet Archive at:

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Duration: 00:16:18


A Free Culture Unconference

This show was recorded last year

Welcome to the Full Circle Podcast on Hacker Public Radio. This is the last of our highlights of last Summers unconference, OGG Camp eleven, held at Farnham Maltings in the South of England.

This show is a post-unconference de-brief with Alan Pope, one of the event organisers and friend of the show.

OGG Camp is a joint venture organised by those lovely podcasters the Linux Outlaws and the Ubuntu UK Podcast.

Alan has since joined Canonical as ‘Engineering Manager in Product Strategy, Engineering Ubuntu for hardware on a variety of devices. Strategy includes the Shuttleworth plan for Ubuntu on Everything.

Find Alan at (tagline DON'T YOU KNOW WHO I AM!!) and in his regular appearances as the host of the Ubuntu UK Podcast at

His wiki page is at

The Full Circle Podcast is the companion to Full Circle Magazine, the Independent Magazine for the Ubuntu Community. Find us at

Feedback; you can post comments and feedback on the podcast page at, send us a comment to podcast (at)

Your Hosts:

Additional audio by Victoria Pritchard

Runtime: 16mins 18seconds


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