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hpr1064 :: OGG Camp 11 Panel Discussion

Recording of the panel discussion at OggCamp11

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Hosted by Robin Catling on 2012-08-30 is flagged as Explicit and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
oggcamp11, panel discussion. (Be the first).
The show is available on the Internet Archive at:

Listen in ogg, spx, or mp3 format. Play now:

Duration: 00:40:58


A Free Culture Unconference

This was recorded last year

Welcome to the Full Circle Podcast on Hacker Public Radio. This is the third of our highlights of last Summers unconference, OGG Camp-11, held at Farnham Maltings in the South of England.

Introducing the OGG Camp-11 Panel Discussion

On the panel we have:

  • Dan Lynch of Linux Outlaws, our Chairman
  • Karen Sandler of the Gnome Foundation and ex-Software Freedom Law Center
  • Simon Phipps of Forgerock and the Open Software Initiative
  • Stuart ‘Aq’ Langridge, from Canonical's UbuntuOne team and ex-LUG Radio presenter
  • Fabian Scherschel of Linux Outlaws

Like every good panel Discussion, this all begins with questions from the floor

OGG Camp is a joint venture organised by those lovely podcasters the Linux Outlaws and the Ubuntu UK Podcast.

We've more highlights of OGG Camp coming up on the Full Circle Podcast very soon, including Andy Piper and Laura Cjaikowski.

The Full Circle Podcast is the companion to Full Circle Magazine, the Independent Magazine for the Ubuntu Community. Find us at

Feedback; you can post comments and feedback on the podcast page at, send us a comment to podcast (at)

Your Hosts:

Additional audio by Victoria Pritchard

Runtime: 40mins 56seconds


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